Our muscles are for........................

It is the end of another week at Ohana and we will soon be saying goodbye to February. Wow, time flies when you are learning and playing and doing so many fun things each day at school.

On the large activity table upstairs, we had two options for our art canvasses. The first involved choosing acrylic paint and using wooden wheels which we rolled across the canvas to make patterns; we could also use round caps from bottles to make circular shapes on the canvas. The second option was cutting and ???????????????????????????????pasting coloured cellophane or pearlescent paper onto our canvasses. The cellophane looks great as it is possible to see the patterns underneath it, even though they have a different colour. We could also choose whether we wanted to glue our pop art portraits onto the canvas using white PVA glue. The portraits are on tracing paper, so this worked well and there is a sense of being able to see some light through the paper.

   Our flight was delayed this morning as the pilots thought that it was way too ???????????????????????????????noisy for the plane to take off on the next step in our journey on International Month. We went to India which was great as we could try to see Abiya there. On the plane, we were served, curry, lassis, rice, chipati and tea. We remember that Abiya used to love eating chipati and rice and curry when she was at Ohana. Her mum made her this delicious food for snack and lunch. We travelled around the world today and after India, we headed for the ???????????????????????????????United Kingdom. On this flight we had fish and chips which made the airplane smell of fish and chips after we had eaten them. On the plane to Canada we had pancakes with maple syrup; on the flight to Hong Kong we are dim sum and at the end of the journey, all we wanted to do was sleep, as we were sooooo full! Haha! Sean was the pilot and Jessica was the flight attendant. Next week we are so excited as we will be  going to the Philippines with Baby, Allie’s mum. Yoohooo……mabuhay, here we come!

In KIDFIT today, we started learning about our muscles and had a whole selection of new equipment to play with. We had sticks that we put between our legs, which represented horses. We had fun trying to ???????????????????????????????gallop with them and use the muscles on the inside of our thighs, to hold the stick tightly. We used rope and played the game “Tug-of-War” during which we laughed a lot while we were pulling the rope; we used inflatable rugby balls and kicked them around the room and tried to throw them and catch them too; we balanced on curved cones by standing on them and then we made our bodies ???????????????????????????????like a table, and put plastic food on our tummies. At the end of the lesson, we had to take the different food and sort it into healthy and unhealthy, which we know.

 Downstairs, we had a small class and as some of our friends were away on holiday or absent from school. Lately, our classroom has been so busy with many different activities to do and prepare for International Month and the Wine Tasting event but today, was an easy “laid back” day. We played with flubber at the one activity table; we drew at another one, we did puzzles and today our teachers sat with usDSCF2708 and encouraged us to complete them before doing something else. We are learning about task completion and are able to do this with our snack and lunch routine; they believe that we are more than capable of this.

During circle time, we counted how many children there were and sang a song together with actions and counting. We love counting and doing movements with our bodies. The other thing that we love doing is holding hands in a circle which we do instantly. All of us smile with expectation as we sing the words and DSCF2713do numerous actions together. Hisami did music with us and we love singing English

and Japanese songs with her. One of the favourite songs is “One little finger” and we go all the way up to five little fingers and then further on to ten little fingers. Each time our fingers become an animal or something that we can relate to e. g. six little fingers put above our mouth make us look like a cat with whiskers etc.  We enjoyed our time at KIDFIT especially since we used many new pieces of equipment, which our teachers help us use.

At the end of the day, when most of us had left school, Shelley and Hisami spent time setting up the most DSCF2735exquisite display of Hina dolls. Please go into the office on Monday morning (indoor shoes please) and take a look at it. It is extremely precious and no one is allowed to touch it. It is one of the many things in life that we can “Look at without touching”. It took a long time to set up and is something quite majestic…….

We send big hugs to all of our friends and wish them a wonderful weekend. See you on Monday for the start of another week at school with our Ohana family.

Love always

Shelley, Darren, Hisami, Ayaka, Liezel, Nanako, Goh, Christine, Maryna, Sharee
