Another snowy day in Tokyo and welcome Arata!
Happy Valentines Day to all of our friends and families. We love you each and every day and especially today, we say in a big voice “I LOVE YOU”. We welcomed a new friend upstairs and his name is Arata. He used to live in Singapore and returned to Japan recently. He and his mum and baby live in Japan and his dad went to work in Beijing. He had a busy day with us, learning the rules and doing activities. Once again, we set up the marbling tray on the large table and Ethan, Ryan, Tokutaro, Clodia and Elena all had a turn to marble a huge sheet of white paper. They also did marbling on their canvasses. The marbling designs are really beautiful and could be left just as they are. We use the large pieces of marbled paper to cover our portfolios/workbooks. We think that they make beautiful covers. Near the imaginative play area where our kitchen is, we had a colur sorting activity with tweezers, buttons and coloured pots. Our task was to use
the tweezers to pick up buttons and place them inside the matching pots. Squeezing tweezers needs strength and the ability to use our pinching fingers competently. We know of colours of course, and had to really carefully hold the buttons and drop them in their matching pots.
We had a few maps of different continents and the world map itself which were the catalyst for what we did next during circle time. We set up the chairs on the carpet, in a few rows and spoke about how we could get to see different countries; what form of transport could we take. The obvious one was an airplane so this was going to be our airplane. In order to fly the airplane, we needed pilots and volunteers came fast and furious for this role. Clodia and Ryan were our pilots today and we were heading for Canada to have maple syrup and pancakes. In Canada there is way more snow that we are having in Tokyo so we hoped that we would be able to land there. Ava Grace was our check-in attendant and she asked us for our
passports before we could board the plane and find our seats. Ryan gave instructions on how to fasten our seatbelts and Ava checked whether we had done this correctly. Ava Grace was multi-talented and took the role of flight attendant too, serving drinks and snacks to us on the flight. And she smiled as she did this which was what all flight attendants should do! We think so! When we arrived in Canada, we looked at our guidebook which was “The Children’s World Atlas” and realised that we knew only one word for snow while the Inuit
nation has 32 words for snow, depending on the colour, wetness etc. of it. We made flags at one of our activity tables, once again, paying attention to stripes, stars, patterns, colours etc. Beckett said that his flag was the flag for Beckettland. During KIDFIT, we continued learning about the heart and what we need to do to keep our hearts healthy and strong. We read the book called “Tyson the Terrible”.
Downstairs, we had a busy morning painting on our canvasses with brushes and sponges. We chose the colours that we wanted to use and later in the morning, we worked on the canvasses that were dry and added some collage to them. We used glue, tissue paper and scraps from other art works that we made in the past. Our teachers like to keep pieces of our older art works, in case we can recycle them. Our canvasses will be works in progress for a few weeks.
We played a fun game using the box that was the horses body from the horse that we made when it was Chinese New Year. Shelley put the box over her head and said one of our names. We listened really carefully and then it was our turn to say one of our friends names. It was such a fun thing to do, however we kept on saying the name of the person who said our name, instead of saying “It’s me”. We played musical instruments and danced and sang songs to the Wiggles CD and some Japanese songs that Hisami taught us. We did drawing and put stickers onto the page as well. The stickers are of facial features which we used when it was Halloween. We were lucky to have left over ones from the tiny pumpkins which we
decorated then. We filled the last packets of cookies for our Valentine’s Day gifts for our families and enjoyed using magnets on small white boards. It was a busy day and we watched through the windows as the snow changed throughout the day. Sometimes there were big flakes and sometimes just small flakes that looked like water. We noticed that even though the flakes were small, the snow collected on the ground and made it look white. We hope that all of our friends are safe and stay warm on this cold day. Have a great weekend everyone and enjoy playing in the snow tomorrow.
Love Shelley, Darren, Hisami, Ayaka, Liezel, Nanako, Goh, Christine & Maryna