Happy birthday Ayaka

Keep Fit Friday was a busy day because not only did we have our regular exercise classes but we had two birthday parties. We celebrated a belated birthday for Marc who turned three on Wednesday but he was not well that day; and we celebrated early for Ayaka as it is her birthday tomorrow.

We did both birthdays in the classroom on the first floor and started off with Ayaka’s birthday party. We ???????????????????????????????sat together with all of our friends and teachers from the entire school and we sang “When you’re happy and you know it”; “How old are you now” and “Happy birthday to you”. Ayaka told us that she was three and one so we added the two numbers up and said that she was four. We are not sure if she is really four as she is a lot bigger than many of us who are really four years old. We gave her so many hearts filled with our love and appreciation for what she does for all of us at school. Marc’s mum, Marina, his dad, Oren and his granma came to celebrate with him and they dressed him in a fabulous new top. He looked soooo cool.DSCF1989

 We started off by singing a song called “I want you to meet my family”. Some of us have learnt this song using Japanese words, when we name the people and animals in the family but today we used Hebrew. A family is “mishpagha”, mum is “ima”, dad is “abba” and grandma is “safta”. We sang “Marc is three years old today” and then Tomas put his birthday crown on his head. He counted three DSCF1985for us in English, we helped him count in Japanese and then his whole family helped him count in Russian. We noticed that there was a book on the table and his dad chose to read it to us. The book is written in Russian but Oren translated it for us into English and we were all mesmerised. We think that he is really good story teller. Some of us know the story about the three little pigs and we all tried to help blow just like the wolf did when he tried to blow the houses down. Luckily the pigs ended up being safe while the wolf (in this

version) ran away with a burnt bottom and a big hole in his pants. We want to thank Marc and his parents DSCF1981for the delicious doughnuts and for reading the book. We also want to wish Ayaka a fun day tomorrow for her real birthday.

 Upstairs we prepared the cupcakes for Ayaka’s birthday and made designs on them. Then we decorated them with hearts in many colours. We ate them after we had eaten our healthy snack and the doughnuts we ate for dessert after lunch. Sean posed for his “Pop Art” portrait today and he will change the design and colours on the graphics tablet next week.  Ethan, Ryan, Clodia, Allie and DSC_5611Abiya started working on their second “Pop Art” picture using a shape and cotton buds with paint. In our KIDFIT class we continued learning about our hearts and Tony spoke about healthy food versus unhealthy food. We reveiwed the letters ‘h’ and ‘r’ and hopped around the room singing the ‘h’ song from the Jolly Phonics CD. The words go like this “I like to hop, hop, hop up and down, I like to hop, hop, hop, all around”. We looked at flashcards that had pictures of things that start with the letter ‘r’ and came up DSC_5623with robot, rat, ruler, rocket, rose, rings and much much more. We used our fingers and traced the ‘r’ letter in the air. We then took a white board and practiced writing the letter.

  Love Shelley, Darren, Hisami, Ayaka, Liezel, Nanako, Goh, Christine and Maryna
