Party time
It is the last day of May today and tomorrow will be a new month, called June. The year is slowly but surely coming to an end and it feels so exciting and also a bit sad as we will be saying goodbye to some of our friends. In the meantime, we are enjoying each day and thinking about now and not later! Later rhymes with alligator like hat rhymes with cat! We love playing rhyming games and learn how to rhyme through singing songs e.g. in “Twinkle, twinkle little star” the words star and are rhyme; in “Wake up, it’s a lovely day” the words day and play rhyme. Upstairs, we had our last lot of hearts to do in preparation for one of our teachers birthdays in August…..shhhhhh! Beckett and Sean built an amazing castle with the blocks which will be posted here below. Ava completed her nest using the bottom part of a pet bottle with shredded paper. She decorated the outside of the pet bottle and then filled it with the shredded paper that she had helped shred last week. Her egg is pink and she put this inside the nest with the mummy bird. Inside our eggs are the babies.
Today was our last KIDFIT class for the year and it was also our last class with Hana. She is going to work at a preschool just up the road from us from next year. We may still see her in the park so it is not a real goodbye. We continued learning about staying safe and what are good and bad touches. We practiced saying “NO” in a strong voice to strangers.
In the library we read the book “One Duck Stuck” which also rhymes. It is a counting book and our teachers asked us questions along the way to see how much we understood and also how much we remembered. We also remembered that snakes, crickets and frogs come from eggs. Ducks can fly but ostriches cannot.
In our circle we sang “Twinkle, twinkle little star”; “You are my sunshine” and our good morning songs.
We pretended that we were chickens curled up inside our eggs and we tried to make ourselves really small just like a chicken inside an egg. We used our beaks to crack the egg open and we pushed our heads out and then our wings and then our bodies. We looked around for mummy bird and we whistled so that she knew that we wanted some food. As we grew, we became stronger and bigger, and then we could fly. We sang the song “Fly through the air”.
Downstairs, we helped our teachers move the furniture so that we could make space for our KIDFIT class since the MPR is all set for the mums, dads
and teachers party tonight. We played with our friends and really enjoyed playing with puppets today. Nanako sat with us and played with the dog puppet. The dog said that he was hungry so we went to the box with food in it and brought him lots of things to eat. Then when he was tired he fell asleep but we shouted ‘Wake up’ just like we do when we sing our songs where we go to sleep. We sang many different songs this morning in preparation for our end of year party next Thursday. We totally understand what an echo song is and some of us wanted to be the start of the echo so that our teachers and friends could copy us. We sang so sweetly when it was our turn to be the leading echo.
We have a new sharpener in our classroom that you wind and it makes our pencils sharp. Olivia enjoyed winding it and each time she went the anti-clockwise, she remembered that she needed to clockwise and she changed direction really easily.
We think that our mums and dads are really looking forward to a great party tonight. Our teachers said that we have so many parties with our friends and teachers at school, tonight is the chance for our parents to have their party without us. Have fun everyone and don’t miss us too much.
Love always Shelley, Darren, Nanako, Ayaka, Christine, Goh, Liezel and Sabine