Birds up in the sky
Another great day in Buds class again! We arrived at school with a big smile on our faces. Some of us were still trying to find our way in school because they just started coming to Ohana since our summer school. The good thing about our friends is that they always help us with anything that we needed to do in our classroom. The first thing we did was our morning jobs and followed by our special art activity with Goh-san. We did a special bird art with our friends and teachers. The materials we used were the colorful feathers, the glue and the bird cut-out. Then, we also put an eye sticker and finally we have created a fascinating art piece. We were so proud of what we could already do. On the other table, we had some play dough set and we all started making our own figures and pretend food for everyone. We just loved making something for our teachers. We made ice cream, pasta, ducks and many more. In our carpet area, we also found some animal toys from Noah’s ark that we could enjoy. We took off the roof of the ark and brought out the wooden figurines of animals. We also learned more about the different animals that we have in the ark. Most of us already knew what they were. We are definitely learning through play. It’s so much fun!
After our wonderful free play time, we went upstairs for our swimming session. The weather is getting so hot again so might as well we had to use the pool all the time. John took out the big hose and sprinkled water like it was raining outside. We were all giggling and having a marvelous together. We finished playing upstairs so we needed to pack away the toys. Then, we changed to regular our clothes and headed back to our classroom.
We ate our snacks and enjoyed the books in the library. Then our teachers played the drums and the recorder in the background. Afterwards, we made our own circle and sang some wonderful songs that we learned last time. John also read a book “Are you my mother?” and we discussed more about the story in the end. We learned that the main character was a bird and he was looking for his mommy bird. He went asking the different animals and vehicles the question, “Are you my mother?” In conclusion, the bird found his mommy in the end and she brought some treats/food (worm) for him. He enjoyed eating them. We also learned how to make music with our music bells. We talked about the color of each bell and amazingly most of us know a lot about colors. Lastly, we danced and sang like a bird using our scarves. We pretended that we were flying while John was playing with his recorder. When he stopped playing, we also stopped and Goh-san asked us about our mother. When she showed a cow, we said that it’s not our mother and when she showed the bird, we all said, “Yes!”
Thank you so much, Ohana for an amazing day. See you all again tomorrow! Have a great day!
Lots of love,
All the children from Buds class (Summer School 2016)