Let’s count with our fingers
Good morning everyone! It was such a lovely day and we thought that it was going to rain for the rest of the day. Fortunately, Mr. Sun came up at the latter part of the day and we all had a chance to go and play with our friends at the park. After doing our morning jobs, we went to our classroom and explored what we could do for today. On our table, we had Mr. Potato Head toys and some pegs. These toys were very good for creativity and imagination. We attached different parts and combination for each boards and faces and then, we showed it to our teachers. They really encouraged being more free with our imagination because this is the best way of how we learn things every day. We also had our play dough on the other table and some cookie cutters that we could use to make some figures. We loved using the duck and butterfly cutters and it was so amazing how we could do this on our own. One of our friends brought a special book as we also felt that her book was very interesting. It was about a grandma who brought the crocodile purse.
Further inside our classroom, we had some Mario Kart toys and stacking blocks. We also had some alien toys from Monsters Inc. and one of us tried to put the alien inside the stacking blocks. We also had some ice cream bowls that we offered our teachers. We stayed in the kitchen play area and we’re able to cook some food for everyone. Sayaka was in the library reading a book for our interested friends.
In our circle time, we sang and did some finger plays. We liked the ten little kids. As we counted our fingers, we moved and wiggled them all until we reached the number ten. We put our hands up, run, roll our hands fast and slow. Then, we all pretended that we fell asleep. Next up, we sang Jack and Jill. We used our fingers and imagined that they were walking up the mountains and then tumbled down. We also interchanged the words milk and food to water. Like for example, Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of MILK…and so on. It’s time for our gym class so we all went upstairs to Petals class.
Here are the activities that we did…first, we did our warm-up exercises. We had some stretching and jumping up and down. Then, we had our animal action games. We did the bunny hop, frog leap and bear walk. We always wanted to give a high five to Miyashita-sensei. He also put a big mat in the middle of the room and three other cushions on the end of the space. It was a simple obstacle course but as we went along we had to use our special skills that we’ve learned from him (bunny hop and bear crawl). Lastly, we played the ghost game wherein Miyashita-sensei needed to catch us unless we’re able to go to the other carpet.
After snack time, we read a book “Sleep, big bear, sleep”. Next up, we walked to the park and stayed in the green area only. We still had a good run and various physical exercises. At the very end of our time, we said goodbye to Petals class and came back to school. Thank you so much, Ohana for the great day! See you all again tomorrow!
Lots of love,
All the children from Buds class 2015-2016