United States of America
Good morning everyone! A great way to start our day was to get a wonderful greeting from our friends and teachers. We also said bye to our moms and dads as we headed off with our morning jobs. It was so great to see our friends do their jobs independently and with all willingness. To start our day, we had some amazing activities on our tables. We loved threading and lacing the beads and making sure that we created beautiful patterns around the boards. Some of our friends needed a little help just to make sure that we could put everything in the right places. On the other side of our table, we had the veggie art activity. It was amazing how we can coordinate with one another and to see our friends patiently waiting for their time to paint with John. As what we did yesterday, we used the green pepper and stamped them on our paper until it created some floral designs. We had so much fun doing it.
In our play area, we began taking out some costumes that we could use for our role-play. We also had the shades and floral necklaces. Our friends really liked to use these because they really looked pretty cool on us. We also got some shoes from our dramatic play area and of course, we saw that some of us were walking back and forth. We also put out the cars and maps together with the doll house.
We started our circle time by singing our morning songs and greeting our friends at the same time. We also sang a song about our feelings and we definitely enjoyed pretending that we were mad and sleepy. And then, two moms came to our classroom and said “hi” to us. They were Amanda and Amy. They asked us where they’re from and we learned that they are from the USA. So Amanda started talking first and depicted what their country is all about. Amy then took an interesting toy. She said that it was a baseball bat. We also saw the baseball and she showed us how to play with it. She gave the bat to Amanda for a little demonstration. She held the bat with two hands and hit the ball by swinging the bat from side to side. The ball went up high and fell on us. Luckily, we’re just using a ball made of sponge. And the bat was also made of the same material. The toys were very child-friendly and we can use it the next time we go to the park. After a few swings, we danced to the “Baseball” anthem. The moms said that this is the song that they always sing before starting the game. We then went to our snack tables and waited for our pretzels that Amanda made for us. Combining it with a dip of mustard, the food was really yummy. While we’re eating, Amy and Amanda told us that during halftime of the game, the audience is always asked to stand up and do some stretching. So, we stood and danced to an upbeat music. We jumped around and raised our hands way up high. The whole USA experience was so great. Thank you so much Amy and Amanda for making the presentation so informative and fun!
We went to the park today and it was great to play in the green area. Our friends also got some tennis balls, we threw them away and one of us would run and catch it. Thank you so much, Ohana for the fantastic experience! See you all again tomorrow!
Lots of love,
All the children from Buds class 2015-2016