Happy Valentine’s Day

DSCN6829We arrived at school with the big smile on our faces. We did our morning jobs as usual and we’re very excited to get inside and play with our toys. Puzzles and some table toys were prepared and we slowly found out how to fix them accordingly. Our teachers were always here to support and guide us with the activities and we definitely appreciate their efforts to make things better for us each day. On the carpet, we saw some dresses and other hats that we could play again today. We also did this yesterday and we enjoyed it. We then put on the wonderful dresses the we have in the classroom. We enjoyed the Spider-man suit, the princess dresses and the Winnie the Pooh costume. It was like we were movie stars as we walked around and showed it to our friends and teachers. We also took out some musical instruments that we could play for today. Our teachers also helped us to sing and play some wonderful rhythm that we have learned before. The kitchen area was also very popular. We put them in the tray as we cooked some delicious recipes for everyone.

We talked about Valentine’s day during our circle time. We learned about the shape of the heart and also tried to find out where DSCN6834the location of our heart is. We realized that it was in our chest. We touched our chest and imagined our hearts beating. We also talked about the calendar and learned that after a few days we are going to celebrate our Valentine’s day. And our teachers told us the word about LOVE. What is love? Why do we feel love? How do we show our love for everyone? Is the heart also representing the word LOVE? There were so many questions that we needed to answer about love. We tried our very best to understand the context but we will surely understand this more when the right time comes. We then sang “Skidamarink”, “I love you” and “The heart shape says I love you”. We gave a kiss, a big hug and a high five to our friends and teachers.

We went to the balcony upstairs and our friends enjoyed playing with the sand, colorful and shiny bottles and some mirrors from the tub. We counted the stones and wood as part of our special activity outside.

Tomorrow and the day after will be a holiday. So, have a great weekend and see you all again on Monday! Have a great Valentine’s day!

Lots of love,

All the children from Buds class 2015-2016
