Feelings, nothing more than feelings

We read the book “If you’re angry and you know it” and we sang the song too. We saw in the story that there are many situations in life that can make us feel angry; when something breaks, when mud gets splashed on our clothes, when your friend won’t play with you, when you can’t find something that you want etc. These are some ideas from the story on how we can learn to manage our angry feelings: If you’re angry and you know it walk away

If you’re angry and you know it take a deep breath

If you’re angry and you know it stamp your feet

If you’re angry and you know it, tell a friend.

We think that having a happy feeling is much better for your body and your heart.

We had a chance to change our feelings today and choose ones that we feel today. During the morning, Akari wanted us to sing “What


is your feeling?” while we were playing with play dough. Shelley sang that her feeling was tired because she woke up really early this morning; Akari said that her feeling was happy and Lina said that her feeling was happy.

We changed the calendar today and chose Tuesday for the day of the week; 17 for the date and cloudy for the weather. We have had many days when it has been sunny and even though today was cloudy, it was quite warm outside.

We sang our feelings song all together as a group and named the feeling that we had. We also changed our feelings in our feeling boxes. We played a memory game on the carpet using our name cards. Hisami showed us our name cards and we all read them out loud. She told us to look at them carefully and then she turned them over so we could only see the back of them. We had to try to remember which cards belonged to whom. We were able to do it successfully and remember where they all were.

We sang “Under the big chest nut tree” in English and Japanese. You can find lots of chestnuts if you go into the countryside, during Autumn time. People cook them and you eat them. There are lots and lots of beautiful Autumn colours at the moment. This is a photo that Shelley’s friend took on the weekend in Yamanashe prefecture. These two photos were from one of our Alumni’s and they gave


special permission for us to use them here.

We spent some time in the park where we climbed up the large stones on the right side and slid down, over and over. Our teachers are always amazed at how we can do the same thing over and over and not get tired. They also sometimes feel that we are really daring and try to trust us when observing us; always ensuring that we are safe all of the time.

Liezel was sick today so Goh san came to be a teacher in our classroom. She always helps us a lot and we love having her in our class. We hope that Liezel is feeling better and that we will see her tomorrow.

We played with play dough and made faces and patterns on it. We used some new utensils and loved seeing the different lines and shapes that they made when we pressed them into the play dough. We chatted for a long time to Shelley, while she was sitting with us. She made a face out of the play dough and we looked at her face to see what we needed to add to the face. We made eye brows, a pupil, nostrils, ears, hair, mouth with lips and a nose. Some of us pushed as hard as we could to make the play dough flat like a pancake but even with the rollers, our power was not enough. We will practice this more and more as we need to strengthen our arms and hands a lot.

Thanks for a great day and stay dry if the rains come.

Love always the children in Petals Class.

