Yearbook photo session
Good morning everyone! We are very happy to see that the weather was good again. We started our day with bright smiles on our faces. Today was also a special day because it was our yearbook photo session. We donned our best dress and clothes just to look presentable in front of the camera.
On our tables, we found the salt tray with dried leaves and stones together with the pegging activity. Some of us were having a great time touching and feeling it. It was a great sensory activity for all of us. We were able to use the peg too. And our gripping and pinching skills were improving greatly as well.
On the other table, we had to continue doing our doctor’s bag art and police car art. Some of our friends weren’t here yesterday so we had to make sure that we can have the chance of doing it today. We sat down with Nanako and she helped us to rip the colored tissue paper. We used the dark and light colored napkins for our police car. We then went straight to our play area and found the big connecting blocks. In the box, there were some interesting wheels that we could spin around. We told our teachers that it looked like a helicopter so we played with them and imagined the helicopter flying around the classroom.
During our circle time, it was very tricky to tell how many friends we had for today. Some of our friends were up in the office for the yearbook photo session. We wore our great smile and the photographers were very funny because they made us giggle all the time. Sharee did our circle time and we talked about the community helpers. Our teachers gave out the bucket wherein we could choose the different figurines. Almost all of us picked the doctor. With regards to that, we talked about the stethoscope. They let us listen to our heartbeat.
After our circle time, we were supposed to go upstairs for our class photo. But we were not able to do that today because of the timing and schedule. For Buds class, it was a bit tricky because it took a long time for us to get the right individual photo for the yearbook. So, we just all went downstairs and did our music and story time with our wonderful teachers. Thank you so much Ohana for the wonderful day again and see you tomorrow!
Lots of love,
All the children from Buds class 2015-2016 J