
Good morning Friday! We were so thrilled to see what activities we have for today. We greeted our teachers and friends with a huge smile and it’s nice to be in Buds class early in the morning. We started our day by getting busy in the kitchen play area. We told our teachers that we’re making snacks and lunch for our friends. We took out the bowls and other plastic fruits and vegetables. We began to mix them all together and pretended that we enjoyed eating them. Some of our friends were also busy in the library. They picked very interesting books about animals and Halloween. On our art table, we found the long roll of paper with some stencils of bats. Our teachers told to use the orange paint. So we dipped our hands in the paint tray and stamped our hands on the paper. It was really fun doing this because we got to move around the table and had the free painting. Most of us spent a long time stamping and spreading the colors all over. And when we’re all finished, we removed all the stencils and we found the bat patterns being made on our mural. We are all thrilled to see those bats!

We did our circle time earlier than usual because we had to do a very special activity for today. Our teachers told us that we’re going to use our sweet potato again and we got so excited about it. Anyway, we had a great time with our circle time because we talked about the pumpkin. We got a chance to describe our pumpkin today and we also told our teachers that it’s orange. So, we needed to find all the orange toys that we can get in the classroom. After that, we put it in our shape mat and found the orange star. We put them altogether and it was amazing how our friends were very good in color sorting.

After the short circle time, we went out to see the pond. We loved seeing the orange fishes but the pond was filled with long stalks and tall plants. We could barely see what’s in the pond but it was also okay because the fishes were trying to stay where we were as if they were also trying to greet us.  It was fun seeing them but again we had to go back to our classroom to make our very special Okonomiyaki. We took out the different ingredients. We grated the sweet potato, chopped the sausage with plastic knives, mixed the flour, beat the eggs and ripped the cabbage into small pieces. And then our teachers helped us out to put everything together and fry them in the pan, the smell was so good and we got very hungry.

At the end of the activity, we had our lunch time and the okonomiyaki made our lunch even more delectable. Thank you so much Sayaka for making this meal for us. Thank you Ohana for the wonderful day! Have a great weekend!

Lots of love,

All the children from Buds class 2015-2016 J
