Ocean Foam
Dear Flower Class parents, This morning on the table we continued with the group artwork which we began on Monday. We are making an arctic picture with some penguins, a polar bear and a walrus. On Monday we painted in the water using watercolors and today started to add the black fur on the penguins. Yesterday we started to cut black sections from the magazines when we found them and cut them into smaller pieces. We could then attach them to the picture using glue. We looked at the model penguins to see which sections of the penguin were white and which black. We also found that some of the younger penguins were grey and so we again looked in the magazines, this time for the gray areas. Some of us even made red penguin eyes from origami paper. On the second table several of us came to try the shaving foam ocean art. The teachers squirted some white shaving foam on the table and we could then add blue or green paint to mix in. It was very squishy and felt all soft in our hands. We then started to draw pictures in the foam using our fingers or wavy lines with a fork. Once we were happy with it we placed a sheet of white paper over the top and pushed down gently. Finally we lifted the paper off and saw the picture had transferred to the paper. Those of us who had not completed our sports day pom-poms combed the plastic today to make them all fluffy. They look really good and we are looking forward to the sports Day on Monday morning. On the small play table we saw the ocean animals and we sorted all of them into ‘penguins’ and ‘others’. After packing away the toys and eating snack we headed for the park where we used the sand box and slide. Several of us set up a ‘Dango’ shop where we could sell the food for 108 yen each, including tax. In the fenced green area several of us tried the sack race ready for Monday. It was a little difficult and we decided to hide inside the sacks which was fun. In circle time we reviewed the sounds for the letters s,a,t,i,p and n and thought of lots of words beginning with those sounds. We even tried reading some simple words such as; ‘it, is, sit’ etc. We then sang the new song for our new sound for ‘C’. We looked at the book and cards and saw castle, car, candy, coconut, cat, coins, cactus, carrots’ etc. We then moved to the table to practice writing the letter in our phonics notebooks.
Have a great afternoon and we look forward to seeing you all again tomorrow.
All our love, Darren, Ayaka, Maki and Ryoan.