Looking for Autumn leaves
We made string telephones with our friends and we learnt how to use it. One of us needed to hold the cup over our ear while the other person held it over their mouth. We spoke in quiet voices and it was amazing because we could hear our friends talking. We had to keep the string really straight so that it worked properly. Hisami guided us by putting two cushions, the same distance apart, that we needed to stand, in order to make the telephones work!We practiced our chant for Sports Day which we want our families to sing with us. “Petals, Petals who are we? We are winners 1, 2, 3 P, E, T, A, L, S…..Petals” We looked at the letters and tried to put them in the correct order so that the word said Petals. We all know that some of the letters are in our names; at the beginning, in the middle or at the end. We also looked at our name cards and played a memory game with them. Our teachers placed them carefully on the floor, face up so that we could see them. Then they counted about ten seconds and turned our names over. We tried to remember which card had our name on it……we tried to see if we could see the initial sound or letter. We read a funny story called “Bones, bones, dinosaur bones”. There were men going to dig up some bones. Then they put the bones in a box and put the boxes on a truck. The truck drove to the city and put the bones together to make them into a huge dinosaur. There was a really long tail and sharp teeth like a shark. If you go to the museum you can see the dinosaur. Sofie said: “Look at that” when she looked at the dinosaur skeleton. There are many kinds of dinosaurs that you can see in museums and also if you go to the movies. We tore strips of newspaper and then were extremely creative with them. We joined them together with tape and also drew pictures of things which we attached to them. First we said we wanted to make them into a snake. We drew faces on coloured pieces of paper and then changed our minds so we didn’t make snakes. We ended up making different characters e. g. princess, girls etc.
We sang the school song on our way to the park and are learning the words once again. When we walked back from the park, we stopped and collected autumn leaves and noticed that so many of them are different colours and they are also different shapes. Some of them are pointy, and some of them are round. Some have many finger-like shapes on them and some don’t have any. We put them inside some of our library books to make them flat so that we can use them tomorrow. When we came back from the park, we played a game with our hands. We placed them on the floor and tried to lift up one finger at a time. This is really not easy, not even for our teachers. We did each finger individually. Then we did actions with our hands e. g. we made our arm straight touching one of our ears and then we reached over to try to touch our other ear. We sang “Open them, shut them”, “Tommy Thumb” and “These are my 10 little fingers”. Our theme for this month has many “f’s” in it viz. Fall, Family, Feelings and Festivals. Fingers also start with the “f” sound. We hope that our friends who are sick will be well enough to come to school tomorrow because there is a secret celebration……shhhhhhh! Don’t tell anyone! Have a great afternoon and enjoy the beautiful weather. Love all the children in Petals Class