Feelings and Sorting colors
What a great Thursday! We started our day by seeing the different activities that we have on the table. We have the sorting and stacking activities, the salt tray with various colorful materials and some stones that we did from yesterday. First of all, we started working on our sorting activities. We had four colorful cups; green, blue, yellow and pink. We got some markers and crayons to match with the cups. Some of our friends can finish the sorting activity quickly and others needed a little bit of guidance. And working on our stacking cups, the smaller ones should fit in the bigger ones until everything is being put together. On our carpet, we have some animal figures scattered around and some of us also took the toy cars out. We spent a good amount of time playing and interacting with one another. We then took out some hats and head dresses. When we put them on, we proceeded with our play time and it’s sometimes nice to feel different in the classroom. Our art activity for today was about stars and a moon in relation to our silver week. We used the cut-out stars and the shaving foam to make a good texture for our moon. It was quite nice to see that on our paper.
We love our circle time. Hence, it is always one of the activities that we like to do with our teachers. Today, we sang songs about happy, sad, mad, hungry and sleepy. We also did our morning exercises. We danced to the beat of “Let’s move your feet”. After that, we sat down and said; “Criss-cross apple sauce” and that meant we needed to sit up straight and nicely. John took out some cards that have drawings of people with happy, sad, angry, sleepy face. And the other cards were animals that have the same feeling. First, we asked ourselves how we feel today. And most of us said that we’re always happy. And then we matched the animals and people together according to their emotions and successfully, we were able to complete it with little assistance from our teachers.
After our snack time, we went to the park. We definitely had a great time because it was nice to socialize with the kids from other classes. We saw the Petals and Flowers again and our group went on an expedition today. Our expedition was all about looking for spiders and spider webs. We didn’t find many but we saw that there were ants around the trees, plants and walls. We even noticed that they were carrying their food and some of us were giggling about it.
Thank you again Ohana for a fantastic day. We hope to see you all again tomorrow! Have a good day!
Lots of love,
All the children from Buds class 2015 – 2016