Our Classroom Rules

A big ‘Welcome’ and ‘Welcome back’ to two of our Flower Class friends; Michaela and Kosei. We hope you enjoyed a wonderful summer break and it was great to have you with us today. In the morning we saw on the table lots of ingredients such as flour, salt, oil, water and food coloring. Once we had all arrived at school Ayaka called us over and we sat nicely with our friends at the table. We were going to make play-dough together. We all took turns pouring the ingredients into a big white bowl and then needed to decide which color play-dough to make. We had 3 different colors to choose from; blue, yellow and green. We then took a quick vote by putting our hands up and most of us wanted to make blue play-dough. We added the blue food coloring and then the teachers put the mixture into the oven for a while. We saw the play-dough later but it was still hot and so we will get the chance to play with it tomorrow morning. Michaela, Kosei, Maki and Ryoan all needed to make place mat for snack and lunchtime today too on the second table. Michaela enjoyed wearing the Rapunzel costume and playing with the food items with her friends while Kenichi, Wesley, Kainoa and Kent enjoyed the Lego blocks and vehicles. We also noticed that our class pet goldfish ‘Marc, Sean and Liam’ had returned to their tank after their summer break away too. After packing away the toys we asked our toy checking leaders to help check everything was put away correctly and sang the ‘Hokey Pokey Song’ while doing the actions. Gaby and Wesley helped us with the body parts and then we tried sitting down on the carpet without using our hands. We played a game where we had to use our listening ears and not our eyes. The teachers said “Put your hands on your….(head, shoulders, knees etc.) But the teachers were doing the actions sometimes incorrectly, for example the teachers were saying put your hands on your head but they had their hands on their knees. We sang the ‘Good Morning’ song together so that we can start to learn all our friend’s names. Today Michaela and Kainoa were our snack leaders and did a great job helping all of our friends with the words and actions. After our yummy snacks we headed for the park and took some bubble liquid and a small bubble machine as well as the shovels for weeding the Ohana garden ready for the flowers next month. After returning to the classroom we sat in the library area and the teachers showed us a book called ‘I can run’. The book was all about things we can do and then Maki started running in the class. We decided that it was not okay to run in the class and used our words “Walking Feet”. We then thought of some other classroom rules and came up with the following; using our indoor voices, being gentle with the books and toys, asking nicely and being gentle with our friends. We will think of some more classroom rules tomorrow and put them on the wall when we have finished. Have a great afternoon and we look forward to seeing you all again tomorrow.

All our love, Darren, Ayaka, Maki and Ryoan.
