What a great second day!
It was a cool morning! The weather is changing so fast and we like to welcome back Sofia and Nikolas. It was also Mac’s first day and he surely had a fantastic one. Alona came to Buds class again and gradually she is becoming more adjusted with the things that we do in the classroom. She seemed to like playing with the musical toys and it’s also amazing to see how she danced or moved her body to the music. Mac, on the other hand, happily came in and said “bye-bye” to his mommy. He then found some toy blocks and musical toys on the carpet and he couldn’t help but smile all the time. Alona was having a great time discovering the things that she could find inside the music box. She also gave some toys to her teachers so that they could play together. Sofia was very busy cooking in the kitchen play area and sometimes she would get the baby from our soft toys box. She really loves getting the baby out of the box and started taking it around the classroom. Later on, she said that the baby was tired so she had to put it on the floor beside the table. Our teachers asked her if she could put the baby away but she said that the baby was sleeping and tired. Thus, we waited until she finally thought of packing it away. After an imaginative playtime, we went to our activity tables for our portfolio making and the handprint activity for the day. Sayaka helped to stamp our hands on a piece of paper. We learned the color we’ve used and it was orange. Sofia got so excited and she even showed her dirty hands on camera. Mac was also very interested in doing his artwork. He finished his placemat making and “My first drawing” without any hesitation. He seemed to be settling in very well in our class. He also has his passion for music. He can’t stop looking and playing with our ukulele in the classroom. When Alona heard the music, she kept quiet for a while and slowly she started smiling and shaking her body at the same time. Nikolas was also enjoying playing with our sound shapes and we can tell that he appreciates music too. It was a nice time to catch up with Nikolas for he has been away for over two months. Mac also liked to get busy with Mr. Potato Head. He was telling his teachers that he could put two arms, eyes and etc. He also likes to say “sure” and “uh-huh”.
In our circle time, we took out some musical percussion and we played with them for quite a while. We had the sound shapes that when you used the drumstick it can really make a loud tapping sound and we just loved it so much. We sang and played with our instruments while the song was playing in the background. Mac even stood up and performed the best he can in front of his friends and teachers. We also sang the “parts of the face” song. We also touched our eyes, nose, mouth and ears. It was great to see that most of us were very familiar with our body parts. Afterwards, we received the dancing scarves from John and from there and then, we couldn’t stop dancing to the music. It was so much fun because we were able to express ourselves through music. And Alona amazingly moved her body to the “head, shoulders, knees and toes” song.
We ended our day with a story that Sharee read to us. The book was about body parts and as we went along with the story, we were asked to touch our eyes, nose, arm and etc. It was also a nice way to learn more about ourselves. Thank you so much again for the fun day! We hope to see you all again tomorrow!
Lots of love,
John, Sayaka and Sharee