Today was the last day of our summer school. We have been learning about dinosaurs this week. So we decided to make our own dinosaurs using our names. Liezel was DinoLiezel and Ayaka was Ayakasaurs. We did hand prints and made our own dinosaur pictures. Some of us turned our paper upside down so we could use our four fingers as the dinosaur’s four legs. Our thumb was its tail. Then we drew its long neck and head with a brush using the same color. They look just like Brachiosaurus. Some of us made our dinosaurs look like Stegosaurus. Our four fingers were its bumps on the back. Stegosaurus has bumps all over his back from the neck to the tail. So we added
them too.
None of them look scary. They are all cute dinosaurs.
Luka and Koh also drew dinosaurs. They looked at the T-Rex toys carefully. Hana and Lisa drew Elsa and Anna from the movie ‘Frozen’. They both have the same frozen toy and were happy playing together this morning.
Arata, Gaby and Koh did some small dinosaur puzzles. They were T-Rex and Pteranodon puzzles. Pteranodon was a dinosaur which could fly. The puzzle had frames to make it a little easier. The frame had Skelton printing so we could just place each puzzle on top.
After our snack time, the teachers showed us four dinosaour shaped pieces of cardboard. They didn’t have any patterns but their shapes were all different. We did a quick easy quiz. We needed to guess each dinosaur name. Every time we looked and checked the dinosaur book .We also read the dinosaur page and answered whether it was a meat eating or a plant eating dinosaur.
Then we each decorated our dinosaurs. The teachers had enough dinosaur cardboard so that we could all choose our favorite one without any arguments.
In our pool time, Jennifer, Luka, Lisa and Hana brought our ice eggs upstairs. Today, they put the eggs into the water and tried to melt them. It took more time than throwing and breaking them. Some of us tried to put their faces into the pool today. It was easy for Jennifer because she was wearing her special goggles.
After our pool time, we did our very last circle time again. Lisa got her special bye-bye card from her friends. We sang “Now it’s time to say good bye to all my friends” together.
Bye-bye Hana, bye-bye Taiyo, bye-bye Kenichi
We hope to see you soon
(We will see you again in Petals class!)
Bye-bye Luka, bye-bye Gaby, bye-bye Koh
We hope to see you soon
(We will see you again in Flowers class!)
Bye-bye Arata, bye-bye William, bye-bye Jennifer
We hope to see you soon
(Good Luck at your new school!)
Bye-bye Zachary, bye-bye Lisa, bye-bye Ohana
We hope to see you soon
(Come visit us again!)
Thank you all for being part of our fun summer school!
Have a great summer:)