The Dinosaur stomp!
We welcomed Wednesday with happy faces and joyous attitude. Luka dropped by to see and play with us. Luka is Nanako’s son and he is always welcome to spend some time with Buds class. Yurika, as always, came early today. She greeted her friends and teachers cheerfully
and continued with her morning jobs. Also, Ritsuka was early and she’s always excited to discover what toys are waiting for her in the morning. Part of our morning activities, we found some recycled papers and a white container that has a little water in it. We then realized that our teachers prepared the paper mache activity for us. Our activity was all about making some dinosaur eggs. We ripped the pieces of paper and then dipped them in the water. Kaia said that the pieces of paper were all wet and our teachers said that it was okay. Sofia was so interested in the activity that she even volunteered herself to try it out. She tore some paper and put them in the tray. Then, she crumpled the wet paper altogether to
make a small ball. Afterwards, we applied some glue on the dinosaur eggs and spread it around. It had a mushy feeling but it was okay. We liked doing it because of the water.
Ritsuka was having second thoughts on how she would approach this art activity but she eventually learned that it was just so easy to dip and spread the glue all over the egg. Lucy also said that she wanted to do the paper mache so she put on her smocks and sat down quietly as her teachers taught her how to dip and crumple the paper. Ivory also enjoyed putting her hands in the water and crumple the paper. Alexandre and Rei were very serious as they worked wholeheartedly with their dinosaur eggs. On the other side of the table, Nanako taught how to do the fossil art. We asked the Flowers/Petals if they could give us the fossil dough that they made last time. And they generously
gave it to us so we thanked Ayaka, Liezel and the rest of the class for it. We took some dinosaur toys and pressed them down really hard on the dough. Then it left a mark on our dough and it really looked
like a fossil that was buried a long time ago. Great job Buds!
In our circle time, we used our dancing scarves again for special movement exercises. First, we moved our scarves up and down and left to right. And then, we moved and twirled it around. Amazingly, we were making a circle when we twirled the scarves. Maryna was also here to help us out and she was so patient and nice to us. Next, we put our scarves behind us again and did some dinosaur tail dance. We also stomped our feet around and had some fun pretending to be like dinosaurs. The activities were always full of energy so we had to sit down and cool down for a moment. While cooling down, we put our scarves on our lap and imagined that it was the baby’s bed. So, we lay the baby on our lap and sang the song altogether to put him to sleep.
It was time to go upstairs and enjoy the…POOL! We truly had a great time swimming and playing with the water tub. Our friends and teachers also enjoyed every minute of it.
Thank you so much Ohana for the wonderful day and see you all again tomorrow! Have a great day!
Lots of love,
John, Nanako, Toshiki and Maryna