We made some play dough today!

DSCN1758It’s wonderful Wednesday! The Buds are ready for another pirate adventure. We love seeing our teachers’ and friends’ happy faces for they give us a positive feeling in the classroom. Nanako and Luka came to our classroom.DSCN1761 It is always fun being with them. Nanako read a story for us and we liked the fishes and the sharks that are illustrated in the book. Yurika excitedly put out the box where we could get some construction blocks.  She always has the initiative of finding ways how to play and manipulate the toys in the classroom. Some of our friends like Ritsuka and Rei went to the kitchen play area and began to take out some soft and plastic food toys. Yurika and Alexandre soon joined in and decided to start grilling the steak. Yurika was very hospitable because she offered the steak to our teachers. Our teachers also requested if we could provide some plastic plates and spoons because DSCN1769we definitely couldn’t eat the steak while it sat on the floor. So, Yurika diligently looked for the cutlery but she couldn’t find the plate. She got tired of looking for it but Ritsuka, instead of giving us a pan or a plate, decided to give us a cup of tea. It was funny because she put some plastic sushi and cucumber inside. Hence, we deemed that we can call our tea as “sushi” tea or a “cucumber” tea.  We were all entertained by the concept. During our special activities, we went to the big table to start making our play dough. We got so excited DSCN1772because we know that play dough is always fun! With the help of Nanako and Toshiki, we were able to get a bag of cornflour and some leftover baby lotion.  It was very easy to do. We just poured one cup of cornflour and five spoons of lotion. And then, we mixed them thoroughly until it created some fine and soft dough-like consistency.  We kept on mixing and mixing and….magic just happened again in Buds class! We just made a small ball of play dough. Great job Buds!

DSCN1773            In our circle time, we stayed in the library and learned more about the pirate captain and pirate crew. Our teachers put on the pirate hat. We’ve realized that the pirate hats can be in different types. One was looking like a big “sombrero” – just like one of those Mexican or Spanish hats and the other was like a smaller version of it. Both of them are black but the big hat has a symbol of a skull and crossbones. Also, we had DSCN1792two eye patches. Alexandre volunteered to try the hat and the eye patch on.  Yurika couldn’t help but say “My turn...my turn...” and of course, we really have to wait for our friends until they are finished.  Hence, we waited patiently. Being a pirate captain and pirate crew was always an adventure.

DSCN1796           After snacks, we went upstairs for the pool activity. We all had an awesome time because it was cool and nice to splash and sprinkle water on each other’s faces. We just found out that we could actually connect the hose to the inflatable pool and it amazingly sprinkled a lot of water. We truly enjoyed our time!

When we went back to our class, we calmly sat and situated ourselves in the library. We listened to DSCN1801Nanako’s story. The title of the book was “Teru teru bouzu”. The story was a boy who made a special tissue art that can invite sunshine on a windy and rainy day. Everyone was listening attentively and it was a great story that our teachers shared with us today.

Thank you so much Ohana for the wonderful day! And hope to see you all again tomorrow!

Lots of love,

John, Nanako and Toshiki
