Happy Birthday, Jeremy and Jessica!!!
♪ Oh, Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun
Please shine down on me♪
Oh yes, we had such a lovely sunshine today J After all, we had a rainy, cloudy, partly sunny and sunny day this week. It was a great way to end the week with Mr. Sun smiling upon us and what’s more, we had lots of treats today! We also celebrated an early birthday for Jessica and Jeremy who will be turning five tomorrow!
In the morning, Miyu and Riko finished up the Cloud and Rain mobile while others made magic bubble wands! We picked a pipe cleaner and threaded beads through it. Then our teachers used a glue gun to stick the threaded pipe cleaner on to a straw so it made a beaded loop at the tip of the straw.
Kai enjoyed threading the beads saying, “Look I made a rainbow!” Miyu, Hana and Luka explored the feeling of mixing the two types of cloud dough that we made on Tuesday with Maki – one made of flour and vegetable oil and the other made of flour and baby lotion. Ami was so persistent in working on the four-season puzzle and she gave us a big
smile when she completed it with a bit of Liezel’s help. Hana and Miyu helped the teachers decorate Jeremy and Jessica’s crowns so beautifully, getting already to start the party…
Soon after we welcomed two guests in the classroom, Karin and Tetsuya, Jessica and Jeremy’s mom and dad who came to celebrate Jessica and Jeremy’s fifth birthday with us! Karin explained how five years ago on Sunday, July 10,th
first came out Jeremy then Jessica that makes Jeremy two minutes older than Jessica. Then she shared us a poem which goes like this:
Monday’s child is fair of face,
Tuesday’s child is full of grace;
Wednesday’s child is full of woe,
Thursday’s child has far to go;
Friday’s child is loving and giving,
Saturday’s child works hard for its living;
But the child that is born on the Sabbath day Is bonny and blithe, and good and gay.
No wonder why Jeremy and Jessica are always putting on happy faces. She also read us two special
books, Good Night, I love You by Caroline Jayne Church, picked by Jeremy and Stella ~Fairy of the Forest~ picked by Jessica. Luka was happy to know that Jessica had picked a book that he had given them as a present on their fourth birthday. Stella and Sam are two curious children who love to explore the world and in this story they find themselves in the forest asking and answering questions about the wonders of the nature. The story ends with Stella asking
Sam what he had wished for when they saw a fairy in the forest. Sam replies, “I wished I could
stay here forever.” Then Stella agrees with him, “Me too.” After reading the book Karin told us how whenever Jessica and Jeremy have a good time together in a park, beach or any place, they wish each other how they want to stay there for a hundred and thousand years long. We often find similarities in our personality from our favorite book(s). Happy early Birthday Jeremy and Jessica! Then next came something that made all of us happy – Karin and
Tetsuya had brought in ice-cream cakes, one for Jessica and one for Jeremy, they were thoughtful enough to bring a bowl of fruit salad for those
who cannot eat dairy products. What a treat!
We had a great time at the park! Some of us loved blowing bubbles using our magic wands and homemade bubble liquid. To make the bubble liquid, we mixed ½ cup sugar, ½ cup dish washing liquid and 1~2 cups hot water. The liquid was not as strong as ready-made liquid but Miyu was an expert with it! Others were busy drawing faces, lines and letters on the wall and slides with chalks. None of us were
wearing rain boots so we could not jump in the big muddy puddle but we all had great fun playing imaginative play – thinking that we could see fish, crocodiles and snake in it.
When the boys yelled and ran away from the puddle by the thought of crocodile coming to get us, Hana stood up and calmed us down saying, “Please use indoor voice.” How nice is it to be able to run around and feel the shower of sunshine with our whole body! After all the jumping, running, screaming and sliding, we all had a second treat – we had the ice-cream that we made on Wednesday for dessert. Yum yum J
Please enjoy the beautiful afternoon and have a wonderful weekend!
All our love, Maki, Liezel, Bill and Nanako