First day of Summer School

DSCN0461Hello everyone! Welcome to Buds class, we have started our summer school for today. We are all excited to see our friends again. But today, we only have Kaia and Yurika. Kaia was looking for her other friends and she said, “My friends…gone….gone….” And we think that she knows that most of the old Buds class children went for a vacation or went to Petals class! We are also DSCN0472very happy for them because we know that they are also getting a lot bigger and more independent. We started our day with a very interesting dart board. But we didn’t use the actual darts, instead, we used the balls. It was very interesting because Yurika kept on saying “push, push” DSCN0478when she tried to put the balls on the board. Kaia tried it too and she was able to do the same. We had a short circle time and we sang some songs that we have learned before like “One little finger”, “Head, shoulders, knees and toes” and “Number song”. It was fun because we were able to dance once again and sang with all our heart. After the singing time, we went to our library and listened to the story that John told us. It was a story about the animal friends and how they found the different balls. It was so nice to know that we can see many balls in the story and we were able to learn basketball, tennis ball and football.

We had our gym class today too. Miyashita-sensei was here to challenge us withDSCN0483 wonderful workout routines once again. First, we did some warm-up exercises. We put our hands up and stretched from side-to-side. We also jumped high and shook our arms to loosen DSCN0506up a little bit. Then, Miyashita-sensei went to the other end of the room and he asked us to wait for his whistle before we had to get up and touched his hands. We made several attempts with different actions. For example, we had to come to Miyashita-sensei while hopping like a bunny, jumping like a frog and crawling like a bear. The next activity was about jumping over the gap and it was pretty easy for Kaia and Yurika to do. They walked onDSCN0520 the mat first and then they tried their very best to complete and do the task properly. Of course, Nanako was there to help both of them. We said “thank you” and “goodbye” to Miyashita-sensei and hope to see him again.

At the park, it was very peaceful and calm. We had an easy day because not a lot of kids were playing. Yurika was so amazing DSCN0523because she was trying to challenge herself with the jungle gym. She may still need to develop her coordination but her confidence was simply fascinating. Kaia requested to get on the swing. She was very polite and she likes to describe the things that she sees around her. Thank you so much for the wonderful day. Hope to see you all again tomorrow!

Lots of love,

John, Sayaka and Nanako
