Completing our spider web art!

DSCN0221Hi Tuesday! Here we are again at Ohana school. We’re always excited to see and play with our teachers and friends again. We welcomed each one of us with a good morning and we are very lucky to be in Buds class. First off, we saw that there were some new insect DSCN0227toys on our sensory table. We saw an ant, several beetles, caterpillar and a butterfly. We love seeing new things in the classroom and we can’t help but look and play with them. Lisa stayed beside the table most of the time. Sofia and Yurika got their favorite stuffed toys. Rupert and Dominik played with their toy cars and buses. Our teachers lay the rainforest painting on the floor and we got some animal toys and pretended that we’re eating some food from the waterfalls and plants that we could find. DSCN0228Mr. Spiderman is here again and it was very amazing to see him move around like he was about to save somebody from Buds class. Nikolas saw some spiders on the table for our special activity, he said out loud, “John, here…spiders…spiders…” He is very expressive with what he wants and sees in the classroom. We are so proud of him. Yurika put on the Peter Pan costume. She also told her teachers that our chef hat from the kitchen play area was broken. She specifically said, “John...look…broken...” On the small DSCN0236table, we saw Dominik and Sofia having a small meal. They loved to pretend that they are having a tea party. Sofie was also so excited to see her friends today. But of course, she had to do her morning jobs before she started playing with them. Alexa was quietly playing with the animal toys and she definitely enjoyed using the rainforest painting. Sofie got the princess wig and she also told her teachers that she wanted to wear the crown. DSCN0251          During our circle time, we practiced our songs that we’re going to sing for our End of Year party. We already know the songs and we hope that we can also show to our parents as well. Then, Sofie asked, “Excuse me John, can we dance?” We all stood up and we started singing the “Number song”. We love shaking DSCN0257our hips and jumping around. We also had some toys on the floor and we sang “I can see the beetle, I can see the butterfly, I can see the caterpillar and I can see the ant. We are so happy that we know how to call the insects that we can see on the floor.

On our activity tables, we found the spider web art. We saw some paint and we all started painting on the paper again. Kaia DSCN0275waited patiently for her turn and she loves mixing colors on our paper. It was really nice how confident she was in using all the colors to make a beautiful artwork. Alexa also did her best in making this art work look very nice. She even wanted to use her hands to make someDSCN0294 patterns. Sofia, on the other hand, quietly spreading the paint and she loves to use green and red. After that, we put the spider art made of Styrofoam balls and we saw that the spiders that we made last time already have a home.

We went to the park today and we all had to put our sunscreen and hats on because it was very, very hot. We still enjoyed going to DSCN0298the park. We used the play area on the other side of the park and we enjoyed playing the chasing game with our teachers and friends. We still tried to find some spider webs but we didn’t see a lot today. Most of us were trying to climb independently. We are ready to take the next challenge and we feel that we can do so much for the next term.

Thank you so much to our teachers. Thank you Ohana. Hope to see you all tomorrow for our End of Year party. Hope you’ll have a wonderful day!

Lots of love,

John, Sayaka and Maki
