Dancing like spiders!
Wonderful Wednesday can be the best description that we can say about what happened today. We love every activities that we have and we simply love being with our teachers and friends. Yurika and Sofia started their day with the baby toys. They love taking care of their babies and Sofia even got a small
bag to put the baby in as she carried it around the classroom. Not only that, she also put the hat on and started singing “gentle hands” with her friends. On the other hand, Nikolas got a magnifying glass and Mickey and Minnie toys. As he held them altogether, he would ask his teachers like “What is that?” or “Look at me!”
Sofia and Yurika also did some cutting and ripping of the paper while Sofie was busy riding the stuffed toy tiger and the shark. Yuu-kun also came today and he played with Alexa and Nikolas. He took out some toys and put
them in the fire truck. And Chloe was quietly building some Lego blocks together with Sayaka.
During our circle time, we talked about spiders. We learned what they can do and where they live. First, we sang the Itsy bitsy spider song and began to do the actions that we know. Sofia was happy as she tried to move around and sing with all her heart. Nikolas was quiet but he really likes to see the spiders too. Our teachers asked us to show our own spiders using our fingers and Yuu was very cooperative and he was so proud when he showed his own spider to his friends. Chloe also loved to show her finger spiders to Alexa and they even looked at each other and smiled. And then, John asked us to do some spider actions like
spider crawl and spider jump. We crawled by using our knees and hands. We went around the classroom and Sofie enjoyed every bit of it. While we did the spider jump, Yurika was so excited that she couldn’t stop jumping around. Our teachers got some white strings too. They told us that a spider can weave a web. As we pretended to weave a spider web, the strings came out and they were all over the floor. We are spiders for today and so we needed make our own spider web. As we lay out everything on the floor, John
helped us to connect the strings as if we were making a web. Sayaka took a small spider toy and we all loved moving it around on our newly created spider web. It was a fantastic experience for all of us.
We also did a group a project today. We saw the black paint on the table and we couldn’t wait to use our paintbrush and get creative once again. Chloe took the paintbrush and she started painting quickly. Rei was very attentive to what she does as well. We also liked how Yurika used her hands to make some beautiful patches on our spider web art project. Alexa was so interested that she could not even hide the smile on her face while doing the art activity. On the other table, we have some white painted newspapers that we did yesterday. Nikolas copied how Sayaka ripped the paper into small pieces. Yuu-kun was also amazing in giving his own effort to make our art work look more fabulous.
We went to the park today, with such a sunny day, we decided to go in the shaded but narrow street that goes straight to the park. We enjoyed looking at the high walls and we would sing some funny songs with our teachers. As we arrived at the park, Maki helped us to look for spider webs. We found some but not so many. However, we saw some ants go marching from one place to another. Nikolas was so excited and he called all of his teachers to see what he had discovered for today.
Thank you so much Ohana for the great! Hope to see you all again tomorrow!
Lots of love,
John, Sayaka and Maki