Let’s dance with our castanets!

DSCN9510DSCN9526What a great day we had today! Mr. Sun was up and gave us a wonderful sunshine for the rest of the day. We started our day full of activities and greeted our friends with a big smile. We saw some blue color book and pasting activities on the table. We also found out that it was very easy to do the color book activities and Ritsuka was enjoying it early in the morning. Yurika came and DSCN9521she did her morning jobs as usual. And then she later got the fire truck and moved it around the classroom. Nikolas was very happy to greet his friends and he is giving a big smile to everyone. He also likes to call his teachers by names and sometimes gives them a pat. Alexa came happily and did her morning jobs. Slowly, she is now getting more comfortable with what we do in Buds class. Today, we also watered the plants and Chloe was cooperative putting water in the flowers. We sang a few songs so that the flowers can hear our beautiful voices. Leanne was very happy doing this and she waited DSCN9524patiently to get her water and gleefully sang the ABC song together with her friends. Lisa always showed us her beautiful hat and when we put it in her school bag, she looked for it and said “Hat, hat, hat”. She was also very delighted with our watering activity and she kept on asking, “Water, please” from her teachers. We went back to our classroom for our circle time. We started it with the good morning song and John brought his ukulele for us. It was very tiny but it was making a very loud sound. Rei was always dancing to the song and she DSCN9526even sang with all her heart as we continued with our lesson. Sofia was happily singing too because she loves to be with her friends and sometimes she wanted to show how she can sing and dance to the music. Yurika loves to sing the weather song as she stood and shook her body from left to right. It was so amazing to see her enjoy every minute of our circle time. We learned to sing “Fly, fly, the butterfly” and it was fantastic. Our teachers gave us DSCN9527some castanets and we made a few rhythmic exercises with our music lesson. Leanne can follow the beat and she loved showing her friends how good she was in playing with them. Yuu was observing the class and he clapped his hands with the music as well. We are very impressed with his comprehension in English.

After the circle time, we went to our art tables to continue with our ladybug project. Kaia, Lisa, Ritsuka and Sofia started pasting the head and DSCN9531legs. We chose the black paper in different shapes. We only saw two shapes and they circle and rectangle. We learned that circle is for the head and rectangle is for the legs. There was a glue and spatula on the table and we were able to paste our paper shapes on our ladybug. On the other table, we had some puzzle pieces. Chloe was really interested and she spent a long time playing and putting them all together.

DSCN9533           Before we went to the park, we practiced the fire and earthquake drill. We went outside with hands on our faces and we also saw the Flowers class practicing the drill. When we are all outside, our teachers made a roll call and counted us to make sure that everybody was present. We’re all complete and then we headed to the park.

When we arrived at the park, we all had a great time with the other classes. DSCN9537Petals and Flowers classes were also there to spend time with each other today. Some of us stayed in the sand box. Lisa was very quiet and she got some digging tools. Nikolas started looking for rocks that he could find in the park and then he also got the DSCN9539yellow cone and put it on his head while walking around. Sofia always found a way to convince her teachers to go with her on the slide. We also had our friend Rupert today. He was so happy to see his teachers and friends and he showed us his amazing DSCN9540bicycle. Yuu was very brave gripping on the bar and he stayed holding it for more than ten seconds.

Thank you so much for the fabulous day again and we are DSCN9541all definitely having so much fun with you. See you all again tomorrow! Enjoy your day!

Lots of love,

John, Sayaka and Maki
