Fly, fly the Butterfly

DSCN9405Hello Monday! The Buds are all set again for a new adventure at Ohana! We started our day with some cool morning activities. We continued doing our ladybug project that some of us did last week. We learned that the ladybugs have eyes, legs and spots. WeDSCN9410 also like to use the red paint that we have on the table. Our teachers told us to use the paintbrush so that we can practice more on how to hold it correctly. We also watered the flowers today because they always need our help. We also sang some songs like “Twinkle, twinkle little star” and the ABC song. We also made our own song for the plants and it went something like this… DSCN9412Let’s water the plants (to the tune of Mary had a little lamb)

Let us water our plants today

Plants today, plants today

Let us water our plants today

Let’s water them today.

It was a nice song and we also learned how to be very patient to wait for our DSCN9415turn. Lisa also learned how to line up nicely and waited for her friends to get some water. John was pouring some water in our cups. And we waited for our turn until we got some water to put in the flowers.

DSCN9413                When we went back to our classroom, we started doing our circle time. We loved to do so many things with our teachers. We reviewed our numbers and letters but we also learned a new song today. We sang “Fly, fly the butterfly”. We all spread our arms and pretend that we’re also butterflies that fly in the garden. We then sang the “Up and down” song. Taiga really enjoyed dancing and shaking his body.

We also played a game called the color game. We love this game and we can also DSCN9431review the previous songs that we have learned. Our color for this DSCN9418month is blue so we really focused on finding this color in the classroom. Our teachers showed us different things in blue and we tried to find out if our friends were also wearing blue today. It was really fun doing this because we also had a chance of getting to know more of clothes.

After our circle time, we went to Petals class for our gymnastics. We greeted Miyashita-sensei with our big smiles and we’re so glad to see him again. We started our gym class DSCN9434with some simple exercise routine. Rei-chan was so excited to show what she can do again with our challenging workout. We did the river game because it can help us to practice more of our jumping ability. We also crawled and run around the classroom DSCN9438to show that we were so energetic. We also played rolling and crawling on the mat. Lastly, we stayed from one side of the classroom and we had to run to the other side when Miyashita-sensei said “go”.

That was really fun gym class! We then prepared for going DSCN9446outside and we did the usual routine that we do like putting the smocks on and our beautiful hats. Lisa is so proud of her pink hat and she looks really lovely wearing it. Today, we didn’t have enough time to go to the park but we went to the fish pond instead. We walked out singing our songs and it always made our day special because it’s really nice to see the sun once again. When we arrived at the fish pond, we got too excited so we headed straight to see the fish. We started looking for the orange fish. And when we DSCN9456found them, they were so big. Kaia said that she can also see a dinosaur in the pond. Maybe what she meant was she saw a big fish. And we all looked for another big fish and we think that there were actually two big fishes in the pond. After viewing the DSCN9460pond, we also saw some bees. They were a bit bigger than the usual bees that we see in the classroom.

Thank you so much Ohana for the amazing day again! We love being here and it always gives us the opportunity to develop ourDSCN9466 self-confidence each day. Thank you to the teachers who are always there to guide us in order for us to be very happy about ourselves. Hope to see you all again tomorrow!

Lots of love,

John, Sayaka and Maki
