Happy Mothers Day Celebration
Today we celebrated Mother’s Day with our mummies in the classroom. When we arrived in the morning the layout for the classroom looked different and the first thing we noticed were the tables that we usually sit at were at the end of the classroom. On the tables we saw lots of bagels, muffins, bread, yogurt and some yummy fruit. Also there were two big bottles, one of tea, the other water. We
completed our morning jobs and our mommies came into the classroom with us. We saw the yummy food and it made us feel very hungry. Adam and Eito were the first to arrive and offered their mommies s
omething to drink. We served our mommies the drinks and then offered them a choice of food. We took the food to the toaster and dropped them into the toaster with the teachers help. We then brought the cooked food to the mommies and served them it along with some butter, cheese or jam. Eito and Adam then sang the snack time song before we could start eating but helped their mommies with the words and
actions. Soon there were lots of mommies arriving and we had lots of food to cook and serve. We also had the chance to play on the carpet area
with our friends and with the blocks we were able to build some very tall towers. Alexis and Kosei managed to build towers using the wooden and the foam blocks too. Secretly on the free art table we added some final ribbon to our surprise gifts for our mommies. After lots of chatting, eating and smiles from the mommies we all got together to give our mommies the beautiful bookmarks we had made for them. We had decorated the bookmarks with a picture of ourselves and
the words ‘Happy Mother’s Day’ on them. We used lots of colors and then chose
either a yellow or a red ribbon to go on the top of each one. Our mommies looked so happy to receive the bookmarks and enjoyed the yummy food and drinks. Thank you to all the mommies for coming to the classroom to celebrate. It was great to see so many smiling faces and lots of mommies with their wonderful children. After packing away the toys and Mother’s Day things we had our own snack and had some of the leftover bread and fruit too. We were so full and
needed to burn off some of the energy in the park. Before leaving Nanako read us a
great book called ‘Clifford’s Happy Mother’s day’ which was very good and appropriate too. In the park we played a game like tag where we try to catch outr friends and once caught we have to freeze. Our friends who have not been caught can release us by touching us too. It was a hot day and we soon took a water break and played ‘Dodgeball’. This is the first time we have played this and it was a little confusing at first but we soon got the hang of it. After returning to
the classroom we all sat in a circle and looked at some letters of the alphabet
including S, A, T, I, P, N, C, K, E, H, R, M and D. We then moved to the table to work in our Phonics notebooks. We needed to practice writing and then do a drawing of something that began with that letter as well as write the word next to our picture. We did a good job with this and will continue it in the afternoon after quiet time.
Have a great weekend.