Welcome back Rei!
Hello Thursday! It was nice to see you again here at Ohana! We are now prepared again for a new adventure. We also like to say “Welcome back Rei”, we missed her so much. And we’re very glad that you enjoyed your fruitful journey in Vietnam. It was so nice to see her again and we’re glad that she almost remembers everyone in the classroom. We think that she also missed Ohana very much. She was so ready to do her morning jobs and she still remembers how to ask for help. First off, we started our morning activities with some cutting activities on our table. We cut some
sheets of paper but we wouldn’t need to cut it all the way through. This is also a great practice on how to use our scissors effectively. With the help of our teachers, we are learning how to control our cutting skills gradually. We also did our special activities today. We saw some red paint and half pieces of paper plate. Yurika and Ritsuka began putting their painting smocks on and they took their own paintbrushes. They painted the paper plate and they both enjoyed using their hands instead of their brushes. Alexa quietly did her own art work and she was really interested in coloring it.
Our circle time includes counting for today and some shapes. We counted with our fingers as the first part of the activity, and then we tried to count by covering our faces and after the number ten we all say peek-a-boo and tried to surprise our friends.
We also reviewed the four shapes that we learned last time and it was really nice to associate these shapes to what we could find in the classroom. We liked the activity because we had the chance of counting and identifying the important shapes that we need to know. We also had some puzzle pieces about shapes and we learned about circle, triangle, square and rectangle. Most of us know the circle and triangle and we somehow needed to review square and rectangle.
We also sang “Here we go, Looby Loo”. It was a nice song to know more about the body parts. We learned our left hand, right hand, left leg and right leg. It was a fun song for the rhythm was pretty cool and nice. After the song, we also sang “Shoo fly, don’t bother me” and “Fly, fly, fly the butterfly”. Leanne really loves to sing and dance all the time. She also volunteers to try answering some questions that her teachers would ask the class. Chloe knew
more about the different colors and she can instantly associate the colors to particular objects. It was nice how she learns things in class for it is her opportunity to expand her language in English.
After our circle time, we then used our special tasks with our teachers. We looked at our friends’ life books and some of us went to our activity tables and started pinching and molding some play dough. We also learned how to wait for our turn because everybody wanted to try the play dough. Nikolas, Dominik, Ritsuka, Chloe and Leanne were rolling the play dough. And this time, we only used our hands in manipulating it. We feel that it is nice to use only our hands for we definitely discovered more of our skills. Rei and Ritsuka quietly played in the kitchen play area and they were cooking some good food for each other. After the short cooking session, Rei-chan got the fake mobile phone from one of our toy boxes and she started to call someone and talked all by herself. Kaia did some cutting activities with our teachers and gradually, she’s learning on how to use it effectively.
Our activities were quite interesting for we tried to practice our fine motor skills, and different aspects that we have learned from Ohana. We would like to do this every day too because it gives more horizon on what we can do in Buds class. Our final activity was reading a story about the ladybugs. It was very interesting because we learned more about them. They also come in different colors too. And it was really nice to know what they eat, some of them can eat leaves and others eat aphids.
Thank you so much Ohana for wonderful day again! Hope to see you all again tomorrow! Please don’t forget our Mother’s Day breakfast. Have a great day!
Lots of love,
John, Sayaka and Maki