Braided Snakes
This morning we started to make some jungle animals for the group jungle artwork. We had lots of colored yarn on the table which look a little like snakes but were a bit thin. Ayaka showed us how we can choose three different colored pieces and then tape them to the table together at one end. We then got to work braiding the yarn together. For this part we needed to put two of the pieces to one side and then slowly start folding the remaining yarn into the middle. This made a very nice pattern of yarn and once we got started it became easier. Soon we got to the bottom and with
Ayaka’s help we tied the top and bottom to hold it all together. On the table next to
the braiding we made some special pieces for our graduation and leaving party from beads and pipe-cleaners. Soon we will be finished with these and some of us will be able to wear them if we are graduating rather than leaving. Nanako helped us with the glue-gun and we hope you will be surprised and delighted with what we are making in secret. We also did some more painting with black on cardboard today. First we turned over the cardboard squares we painted yesterday and then using the same roller we painted carefully the whole reverse side. Once
these pieces are dry we will start to put them together. On the carpet area Sara and Wes got out the toy food and kitchen materials as well as a big piece of cloth as if they were on a picnic. The soft toys were also popular this morning with many of us talking about if they belonged in the jungle, farm etc. Ayaka used her singing voice with us to sing the school song and also checked the calendar in both English and Japanese today. After snack time we went to the park to enjoy the warm sunshine and took along the sand box toys too. Many of us dug
big holes and then added water. After returning from the park we all sat in a circle and reviewed the sounds of the letters with the Jolly Phonics books. Today we focused on the letter ‘t’, how to write it and also which words begin with this sound. We thought of: turtle, tomato, tennis ball, top, table, television, toast and tomorrow. We could draw many of these in our books as well as write them but couldn’t think of a way to draw the word ‘tomorrow unfortunately. We reviewed many of the sounds we have looked at in class today and we
will continue with these next week.
Have a great afternoon.
All our love, Darren, Ayaka & Nanako