Our completed dioramas
The sun tried to shine today and we saw it peeping from behind the clouds…..so we could go outside and play in the park, which was great. Our day started off with many things to do in our classroom and many activities to complete.We are in the process of finalizing all the detail for our dioramas and some of them have actually been completed. We will put a description on the back of them, so that whoever sees them, when we take them home, will understand how we made them etc. We actually have a plan in our workbooks which we drew using lead pencil, detailing what we were planning on creating for them. Our teachers are trying to take photos of them individually but it has been tricky. The window of the boxes reflects the light from all over the room and this has been challenging for the photos. We will all have a photograph
of ours in our workbooks, with our plan; just in case one day our boxes break or ????
Michaela and Daiki completed their numeracy sorting boxes and carefully cut out their numbers, counted their materials and decorated their boxes with beautiful drawings. Michaela drew flowers all in different colours and Daiki drew cats.
We have loved making our tiny bees which were the last thing that we made for our dioramas. Once again, we looked at books on bees and chose the materials that we wanted to use for our unique creations.
As you know, every day we listen to a CD of Shelley singing our songs for our End of Year Party. We also sang them while we were walking to the park, holding the rope. Our teachers don’t really like to single us out especially since we all try our best when we are working and doing things in class, however……they
said that William L, is really an amazing singer. He knows almost all of the words of all of the songs and sings in a beautiful sweet voice, keeping tune. Well done, William L.
During the morning, we sat at the table near the back of our classroom and together with our teachers; we completed the 100piece puzzle with a picture of Bambi in it and some chipmunks. Our teachers encourage us to first make the frame
of the puzzle and then fill in the middle. Manuel, Lanah, Hana and Daiki all helped complete the puzzle today.
We read a story called “Jamberry” today. When we looked at the cover of the book, we noticed that there was a bear, lots of berries and some children. It was a fun rhyming story about different kinds of berries. We couldn’t believe how many different berries there are; raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, boysenberries, cranberries, acai berries, goji berries and more. When Shelley did her research on berries she learned that tomatoes and pineapples are considered to be berries too; and strawberries are not considered berries, they are a fruit that have about 200 seeds on the outside. Most fruits and vegetables and plants have seeds inside but strawberries are unique in this way.
Back to the story…….it was a fun story with made up words like trainberry, moonberry, starberry, and cloudberry. We wanted to look at the pictures carefully as there were so many funny ones. We changed our calendar and tried to see if any of the days of the week, start with the sound “b”; none of them do. We were playing a game with the initial sound of berry which we know is “b”.
Our plan tomorrow and for the rest of the week, is to focus on “Kodomo no hi” which is coming during Golden Week. We are not at school on some of the days so our teachers want us to be able to take our “koi nobori” home with us. We will start doing handprints and other painting patterns on them tomorrow, once we have all completed our little bees and numeracy sorting boxes.
Love always Shelley, Hisami and Liezel