Happy Birthday Michaela

Today we celebrated Michaela’s 4th birthday and we had Akari’s “Show and Tell”. Sharee, Michaela’s mum came to our classroom and we sang songs together. We started off singing “How old are you now?” and Michaela answered that she was 4 years old now. Sharee helped her sing “I’m four years old now”. She told us that she was really happy when she woke up last weekend and she was four years old. So we all stood together in a circle and ???????????????????????????????sang “When you’re happy and you know it”. We all gave suggestions for the actions that we did viz. Daiki – put our hands behind our back; Michaela – stand on one foot and hold; Hana – clap your hands; Akari – blink your eyes; Lanah – stamp your feet; William L – turn around; Manuel – nod your head and Miyu – jump. Lanah gave Michaela her special birthday card which is our present for our friends when it is their birthday and then we turned the lights off. What was going to come into our classroom with the lights off? It was the ??????????????????????cake for Michaela. It was a beautiful cake made from large round pancakes and on top of the pancakes were little sticks with banana and strawberries on them. Michaela counted four in English and Japanese; William ???????????????????????????????L counted in Chinese; Manuel counted in Spanish, Liezel counted in Tagalog and Shelley counted in Hebrew and German. Then we saw our candle song which is called “Four little candles”. We showed our friends four fingers and then when we sang the words of the song, we hid one finger away until we had zero fingers left. We sang “Happy birthday” in English and Japanese and Michaela had a few blows before she blew her number four candle out. We want to say thank you to Michaela and her mum, Sharee for the lovely party and snack today. Michaela will show us her book that she brought to school, just before we have lunch. ??????????????????????We started off the morning doing some new amazing painting. Our paint was made from pancake mixture, salt, water and food colouring. It was edible but maybe it would not taste so good because there was one tablespoon of salt in each colour. We painted on a firm piece of paper and when we were finished, we put our paintings into the oven. Yes, we cooked them! And when ???????????????????????????????we took them out of the microwave, the paint had become all puffy and raised. You can see here from some of our paintings. William L made a butterfly.

Hisami sat with Michaela while she made her banana for our Japanese song about seeds and fruit and vegetables.

??????????????????????Akari did her “Show and Tell” before we went to the park. She brought along something that even some of our teachers had never seen before. It was inside a nature box. It was an egg on a branch but it didn’t look like a traditional oval shaped egg. It was brown and looked almost like a cocoon or next that was closed. Hisami said that she had them when she was little. Akari told us that a praying mantis is green and walks and that a lot of little ones ???????????????????????????????will come out of the egg. Some of us wanted to touch the egg. We wanted to know where Akari found the egg and she told us that she found it at her house. We really enjoyed her interesting “Show and Tell” and we want to thank our mums, dads and other people in our lives who help us find interesting things to bring to school to show our friends at this time.

??????????????????????During free play time we had an alphabet puzzle to do. There were clues to help us complete this puzzle. If we turned the cards over, with pictures on them, we could see the letters on the other side. We then looked for the matching letter and knew which one we needed to find. We had a much shorter free play time today because we needed to get ready for the birthday party. It was lovely outside in the park today and we look forward to seeing all of our friends again tomorrow for Fabulous Friday or Friendly Friday or Foodie ???????????????????????????????Friday! Love always Shelley, Hisami and Liezel
