
The cherry blossoms are still beautiful and are waiting for us…..for our picnic tomorrow. We are all set for the event and look forward to welcoming everyone on the bus tomorrow morning. IMG_0665We completed our cherry blossom paintings today with Michaela and Taiyo doing theirs. This activity table finished early so we continued doing the other two which were so much fun. The first one was a sensory one using the play dough that we made with hair conditioner and glitter. We sprayed water into it, added marbles and squelched it and mushed it. Our hands were all sticky and slimyIMG_0658 and some of us loved playing here. When we washed our hands, our skin was so soft and smooth, just like our hair is, when we use hair conditioner on it.

When we arrived at school this morning there was a picnic on the floor, almost as if in IMG_0656preparation for our Hanami/Spring picnic tomorrow. There were plates, cups, cutlery and lots of different foods all laid out on a picnic mat. We enjoyed playing with everything and adding more food to our feast.

Our second activity at the tables was making insects. Today we chose to make butterflies using the coffee filters ??????????????????????that we did our science experiments with a few weeks ago. We chose one and then cut along the rim of it and then we opened it up and it looked like wings. We chose some collage materials for the body, legs, eyes and antennae. We used ??????????????????????sparkly pipe cleaners, coloured matchsticks, foam shapes, googly eyes and puffy pipe cleaners.

We chose whatever materials we wanted to use and our teachers helped us as we needed to glue them on very strongly. They used a glue gun and now our butterflies are hanging in our classroom. We could even see them move around ???????????????????????????????as if they were flying.

We forgot to tell you about our painting with water and paintbrushes yesterday. We painted on our blackboards in our classroom and were surprised to see that you can paint with water. Today, Hisami decided to take brushes and cups to the park so that we could paint with water there. We painted the wooden steps however when our teachers asked us what we were ???????????????????????????????doing, we said that we were cleaning the steps. We used the brushes with water all the way from the top step to the bottom and here are some photos of us having fun on this sunny day.

During the morning we looked at our books on Bees, Butterflies and Flowers. We know that bees like flowers because they collect pollen and nectar from which they take back to their hives to make honey. We were not sure if ???????????????????????????????butterflies liked flowers but when we looked inside the book about butterflies, we saw that they do like flowers. We are not sure why they like them and will read more about them to try to discover what the reason is. We will also chat about this next week in class. Maybe we will see ???????????????????????????????a butterfly in the park while we are having our picnic. We sang “Here is the beehive”; “Two little bees one day” and we said our poem “Isn’t it funny that a bear likes honey”. We joined our fingers together and made our hands look just like a butterfly. We changed the calendar and we spoke about ??????????????????????ordinal numbers because when we put the date on our calendar, even though we knew the numbers not all of us knew how to say them, in this context. Number 1 is one but when you use it on a calendar it become the first. Today we worked out was the second of April. And tomorrow is the third and we will see you on the bus. YAY!

Love always Shelley, Hisami and Liezel
