Welcome Connie & Tom, Bye-Bye Tanaka Sensei

DSCF4564On the main table this morning were lots of foam blocks and wooden blocks to build with. Eito immediately started building a castle with the blocks. We had a little trouble with the cylinders because if we put them on their sides, anything we added on top would make them roll off. We soon figured out that if we put them upright like columns we could build upwards without this happening. On the games and numeracy table we saw lots of colored wooden dominoes pieces which we lined up on their ends and when we knocked over the first one the rest would follow. WeDSCF4567 needed more space and moved the table away from the wall so that 2 more of our DSCF4570friends could come and join us. Gaby and Olivia then noticed Eito’s castle and continued to build it up and up. Many of us this morning continued with our jobs drawings and added color with pencils, small makers and sparkly pens. They will go on the wall soon so please come in and take a look when you get the chance. After packing away the toys we had a special surprise, Adams mother Karen, his Grandmother Connie and Grandfather Tom arrived all the way from Texas. They came to visit us and tell us all about Texas. Texas is famous for many things andDSCF4569 DSCF4580Connie started off by telling us all about Cowboys and the bandanas they wear to stop the dirt and dust from getting in their mouths and on their faces when riding horses. Marc told us about Cactus and how they are sharp and so Connie showed us her jeans which she said were to protect us from the sharp cactus needles. The book ‘L is for Lonestar’ was very interesting and showed us many things about Texas from A to Z. A was for Austin the City, B was for Bluebonnets, C was for Cowboys etc. We then divided into 2 groups for activities. Connie and DSCF4582Tom had brought along some wonderful cowboy clothes, some small American footballs and AmericanDSCF4578 football shirts. The first group played a game with Tom where they had to throw the football into a cardboard box from a short distance away. We were very good at this and had several tries. We wore the American football shirts and all lined up for our turns really nicely. The second group meanwhile tried on the cowboy vests, chops (pants covers), bandanas and cowboy hats. We all looked really cool and learnt to say Hello Texas DSCF4610style with “Howdy”. We also learnt to say ‘Come here’ with “Y’all”. We then watched Connie and Karen dance a traditional Texan dance together around the cowboy hat and all had a try. This was lots of fun DSCF4581and we loved it. Connie and Tom gave us some gifts for the room such a s Texas flag copy, a bluebonnet picture and a picture with longhorns, cowboy boots and the state of Texas on it. We also got a beautiful bandana each to keep. Thank you Karen, Connie and Tom for a wonderful experience. Please feel free to come and visit us again anytime. After eating snack it DSCF4617was time for today’s ‘Show & Tell’. It was Adam’s turn and we soon settled and guessed what Adam had brought with him. He showed us lots of beautiful photos from Florida. He DSCF4585went on an airboat and told us how it was really fast, how there were alligators and plants in the water. There was a beautiful picture of a blue bird but we didn’t know what the bird was called. In the photos were many of Adam’s family from America, his uncle Tom, his Auntie Chrissie DSCF4638and his cousin baby Andrew. We then got to ask some questions about his trip and the photos and Adam did a great job telling us which picture he liked the best, why he brought them etc. Well done Adam, thank you, it was a great Show & Tell. After we said thank you DSCF4637and bye-bye to Connie, Tom and Karen it was time for Tanaka Sensei’s last gym class with us. We warmed up and played lots of games with Tanaka Sensei and at the end of the class presented him with the DSCF4639card we had made for him. We took a nice group photo and gave him lots of hugs. We hope he will come back and visit us again soon. Have a great afternoon.

All our love, Darren, Ayaka and Sharee
