Hello South Africa
Happy Thursday for Buds class! It was also a nice weather and we went to get our toys and play dough activities for today. Leanne was so proud of showing her Elsa doll and gorgeous pair of glasses to everyone. Chloe did her first art activity for our color book, she loved pasting the ripped pink paper. She also learned the shape of the heart and the color pink. She was smiling the whole time when she was doing this activity. She probably likes the color and the shape.
Nikolas got his Bob the builder helmet and he started walking around the
class while humming a song. Leanne, Dominik and Ritsuka started cooking food and preparing the table. Lisa was also busy molding some play dough, she also wanted to put the necklace on like a beautiful princess. And Rupert as usual got the big fire truck while he made the sound of an alarm as if the fire truck was coming.
In our circle time, we learned some finger plays of our song “Jack and Jill”. We were giggling because the actions were pretty funny to do. We had to use our fingers like they’re climbing up on our arms until it reached our head (Jack and Jill went up the hill…) and then we’ll have to put our fingers down (Jack fell down….) and then we ran in place (….Jill came running after). When we sang the last part of the song (Lalalala), we waved our hands from side to side.
We also checked our attendance to see who came to school today. It was good to know that most of us already know our friends’ names. So, we told our teachers who came to school and those who didn’t.
Also, our teachers called our names one by one. And they gave each of us a letter that corresponds to the first letter of our names. For example, H say ha,ha,ha…and this letter is for Haruto. We all got our letter initial and we learned how to make a sound out of it. It was a nice phonics time because learning our names and letters gave us confidence and more understanding about the sounds of the alphabet.
Rupert’s mom came to show us what South Africa was all about. She brought wonderful books about animals. The first book was amazing, it was actually a photicular book of Safari. It was so nice to see the cheetah, elephant, giraffe, gazelle and many more. We loved looking at these pictures even Sofie sat right in front of Chevorne just to get a better look. .
The next book was all about animals too. We saw how tall the giraffe was. And how his funny tongue curls up when he wants to grab and eat something. We were also imitating how to eat like a giraffe.
And then, we went to our activity tables to make elephant art work. We colored it with something we liked and later put a party blowing streamer that resembles like a trunk. All of us were giggling for it was a funny sight that the elephant’s trunk was getting shorter and longer.
We would like to thank Chevorne (Rupert’s mom) for the wonderful activities that we had today. It was so amazing how the parents prepared so well and interacted with us so patiently. We definitely had a great time being with you all. So again, we sang a thank you song for her and eventually gave her a big hug. Thank you so much again!
At the park, the sunshine was up and our mood got even better. We walked up the stairs and counted them too. We drew on the sand and dug some dirt from the sand pit. Sofie and Leanne liked the bar and they spent a lot of time just hanging and reaching it.
Thank you again to the teachers who never get tired of taking care of us. Tomorrow will be another day of fun activities at Ohana! Have a nice day!
Lots of love,
John, Sayaka and Maki