Spanish 'Show & Tell'
There were lots of large job cards on the table when we arrived today. Unlike yesterday where we matched the tools and objects to the job today we practiced some of our reading skills and matched the job pictures with the written words. There were some new job names such as a coach, a judge and a librarian. Some of the words were easy but a few were more difficult such as the name ‘Chef’ as the ‘Ch’ makes a ‘Sh’ sound. Jennifer and Alexis managed to complete all the cards very quickly. On the second table Adam and Eito immediately started with the play-dough. When the teachers asked us what we were making we instantly said “Sausages”. Next to the
play-dough we had a board game with job cards and dice. We played this game yesterday and with Goh San’s help we managed to complete one whole game
between us. On the carpet Kosei and Eito got out the ‘Bob the Builder’ matching cards game and although there was no winner we still enjoyed ourselves. The wooden maze games were also popular this morning with many of the boys sitting and sharing one of the wooden mazes. To get the ball to the end of the maze you need to move the maze very carefully to avoid the ball dropping through the holes. As soon as we had finished our snack and packed away it was time for Olivia’s ‘Show & Tell’. All her friends sat nicely and firstly tried to guess what it was that Olivia had brought to show us. Jessica was correct with “a book” but Olivia had also brought a Grandma doll and crocking
chair. When Olivia pushed the hand it started to sing in Spanish. The book to go
with the doll was called ‘Baby Abuelita-Sing along with Abuelita Rosa. Olivia showed us all the pages in the book and pressed the buttons to play the music. Olivia sang along to the music in Spanish and we all loved it. It was then time for some questions from our friends; Marc asked “Why does the grandma doll have a chair’? – “Because the chair belongs to the grandma. Nile asked “When did you get them”? – I got them a long time ago from my grandma. Toku asked “Why did you bring the doll, chair and book”? – Because I like them and my grandma gave them to me. Jennifer asked “Does the book come with the grandma doll”? – “Yes, they all belong together”.
Jeremy asked “Why do you like them”? – “Because the songs are in Spanish and I
like to talk Spanish as home”. We all then clapped and thanked Olivia for her wonderful Show & Tell. We looked at another book titled ‘I want to be a firefighter’ with the teachers but Darren didn’t show us any of the pictures this time. He read and then asked us what we thought the pictures were on each page. We guessed correctly after listening carefully to the text on each page. In circle time we played a game where the teachers gave us clues to jobs and we had
to see if we could guess which job applied. We guessed for ‘someone who helps people’ – Firefighter, ‘someone who makes things ‘Construction worker’ and ‘someone who looks at your teeth’ – ‘Dentist’.
Have a great afternoon.
All our love, Darren, Ayaka and Sharee