Playful Wednesday

??????????It was pouring hard outside but we greeted each other with a big smile. We love being here in our classroom and we certainly like seeing our friends every day. Leanne and Ritsuka were here today and they brought a joyful atmosphere in the classroom. In our circle time, we reviewed the three vegetables that we learned ??????????before and they were the broccoli, cabbage and carrot. Our teachers helped us make a vegetable soup (pretend play) and Leanne was so excited to try the warm soup just for us. Leanne said, “I want to try the soup” repeatedly so she took the first turn. She said it was very delicious. Lisa liked the soup as well. She was quietly waiting for her turn and then she grinned with satisfaction after tasting our yummy soup. ??????????  That was our delicious circle time! Then, we headed for our art activities today. Some of us Buds were not able to finish the stamping and easel painting yesterday so we had to do it again. Leanne was holding the paintbrush like a famous painter and then she scribbled carefully in the circle. Rei was doing the same thing during her turn and we definitely love her character because she always likes to try something new.

Sofia was also very concentrated with her artworks. She colored her dragon face art together with Leanne, Nikolas and Lisa. Yurika was also very busy with her ??????????stuff for she liked to experiment with different colors on her art. It was a very calm and nice artistic moment we had.


We were not able to go to the park because of the heavy showers. We just stayed in our classroom for the rest of the morning and we still had a great chance of playing and interacting with our friends. Nikolas, Ritsuka and Leanne started cooking a very special soup and sushi. Nikolas was taking out some stuff from the kitchen drawer to give to the girls and he was very willing to give his time and effort for them.

?????????? Sayaka and Maki prepared some easel activities for us too. We drew some wonderful pictures. Sofia, Leanne and Yurika?????????? were so entertained for they really liked the scribbling. And then, Nikolas tried sticking some accessories on the sticky paper film that our teachers put on the easel. While he was doing that, Sofia stopped doing her scribbling activity just to help him out and so they all pasted everything on the easel. It was fun to see how these kids work together as a team.

Some of the Buds were also playing the piano for several minutes. Lisa really liked touching the keys and singing at the same time. Although we couldn’t understand?????????? the words but we were all happy to hear her singing voice. It was actually beautiful. Kaia, on the other hand, took out the cellphone and did something very interesting. She looked at the phone for ??????????about a minute and then she started touching the number keys and said,”1,2,3,4,1,2,3.” And she put the phone beside her ear and muttered words we have yet to understand. But what we heard was, “mama, mama, Kaia, Kaia”. And we thought that she was trying to reach her mom by the phone.

The Buds were so well-behaved today and we feel that they are all getting ??????????better each day. We love them being here in class for they are showing us great developments with their learning and attention span. Thank you so much to the teachers who have been very patient and creative with their kids. We love being here in Ohana! Hope you’re having a great day!

Lots of love,

John, Sayaka and Maki
