Hello England!

??????????It was a sunny and calm Friday and the Buds were ready for a great day again. We learned that our new toys on the table were from Montessori and it was very interesting to manipulate them because they come in different sizes and shapes. Yurika and Lisa spent several minutes exploring and putting all the puzzles back in the right places. Hana was so quiet doing her play dough and was also very serious with her masterpiece. Sofie came to school with a big smile and we felt that she’s going to give us a more energetic day again. ??????????Our circle time was always fun. We saw that it was very sunny outside and so?????????? we started singing, “it’s sunny today, it’s sunny today!” And then we also sang “Walking in the jungle song”, with the help of Sayaka and Maki, it made the song more and more interesting because we were able to see the different animals. And when the tiger and the wolf came, we all ran and made sure that they wouldn’t catch us. Then, John told us to go down and hide in the bushes. And so we did until they would get tired of sniffing and looking for us.

?????????? After our circle time, our teachers told us that we should go to Flowers class because we had to meet a new friend. We were very curious and asked a lot of questions for we thought we’re going to meet an actual person. So, we made our train and lined up by the door. And then, we went up using the elevator until we arrived at Flowers classroom. The class was actually waiting for us and we felt that they were so quiet and calm. So, we all sat down beside them. Darren, the teacher from Flowers class, showed various things about his country. He told us that he’s from United Kingdom and then he put out some?????????? of the currency, and pictures of the Big Ben, the Queen of England, fish fillet and chips. We also compared the Japanese yen and English pound. Darren also told us that we’re expecting a friend to come and he mentioned that his name is Dash. He also said that he is a Border Collie. At first, we were thinking what it was until he said that he’s a dog. And Dash could understand English too. After a few minutes, Dash came inside Flowers class and our eyes went big because of how excited we were. It was so nice to see Dash and ??????????he wagged his tail when he saw Darren. But we felt that he was a bit scared. Darren said that he was but we shouldn’t worry because he’s very friendly. Darren also showed us that Dash could follow his instructions, like ‘sit down, shake hands, stay low and etc”. We saw how clever he was and we actually had a chance to ??????????feed him his favorite treats. Some of us in Buds class waited for our turn to be called and then we went up and met Dash himself. Darren gave us his favorite snack and we tried to give it to him nicely. First, we had to let him smell our fists and then put the food in the middle of our hand. Then, Dash took it with his mouth. Hana and Lanah were so brave and even excited to give him food.

                It was really fun to learn a lot of things about England and we really appreciate how Ayaka and Nanako took care of us too. They were also so kind to clean?????????? up some mess that we made in the classroom. Thank you so much again Darren for that amazing presentation!

                 After meeting up with our friend, we didn’t have much time going to the park. So we decided to just walk around the neighborhood and head straight to the fish pond. Sofia couldn’t ??????????take her eyes off of the fishes in the pond. We saw fishes in varied sizes and colors. Nikolas was quietly watching and observing when he saw the little fishies moved to and fro, he suddenly pointed and said something in German.

It was a great week again here in Ohana! Thank you to the teachers and friends for making our days lovely and wonderful.

Lots of love,

John, Sayaka and Maki
