A Sweet Thursday

??????????It was a little snowy morning when we arrived at Ohana. Ritsuka looked very focused and interested in playing with the lego trains and Dominik was also busy moving the cars around his town that Maki constructed for him. Lisa loved the big puzzles that we had on the table, it was very quiet and calm inside our class. And the Buds were coming one by one until we had the big group for today. Nikolas is still adjusting but he’s more quiet and at ease and he loved to stay?????????? in our library. He read some animal books and he would sometimes point at them and tell their names in German. And then, we found out that he likes Maisy the mouse book a lot. When he found the book in our library, he smiled and showed his teachers that he knows Maisy. His mother told us that he really likes Maisy and they have a book at home.

??????????Kaia and Leanne loved to pretend that they were like princesses wearing fancy hats. Kaia would wear the firefighter’s hat and she would say, “Kaia, red hat, Kaia, red hat!” And Leanne would wear different dresses, hats and necklaces. She would then go and find the mirror and look in it with a pretty smile. When her teacher asked her to turn around for the camera, she quickly turned around and posed for a gorgeous picture.


                Dominik and Hana was also busy playing in their office. Hana mentioned that?????????? she’s a mommy and she needed to go to the office with Dominik. And Dominik asked John to put on a Spider-man costume and he would say “Spider-man, please!” So, he meant that he needed some help to put on the costume.

Our circle time was all about how to put our baby to sleep. The baby was crying so we tried to calm him down. We sang a soft “Skidamarink”. Some of us even whispered to his ears. We passed him around so that each of us could sing a good lullaby. We felt that we needed to make him stop crying so we did our best to sing the song beautifully with love and care for our little friend.

                ??????????Today our teachers told us that we’re going to make a special food for everyone. First, we learned some ingredients that we’re going to use for it. We noticed that these were common fruits that we knew like bananas, apples, strawberries, pineapples and grapes. Sofie was so excited when she learned that we were about to make a…FRUIT SALAD! So, we all headed to our activity?????????? table and found the fruits on the table. We also had 2 bowls, cutting boards and of course, a knife to chop them off with. But Sayaka also told us that we couldn’t use the actual knife because it’s very sharp. So we had to take the plastic ones that could be safe for us to use. The rest of us had a chance of cutting the fruits one by one. And we even tried some of the fruits before mixing them together. It was so yummy and we were thrilled to try them once we finished scooping them into the bowl. Rei, Lanah, Hana, Haruto, Sofie and Kaia took turns in putting all the fruits in our bowl. Just right before our snack time, we all have our bowls ready with our freshly made fruit salad. So we sang the “Fruit Salad song”.

??????????   It was raining and snowing today so we had to stay in the classroom. We ??????????played our ball games and with some toy walking stilts. Sayaka brought out a big basket and we all had to throw the balls down in it. And then, our teachers would then put the basket upside down as if the balls would come out like rain.

                Some of us continued to finish our watermelon art. We had to put some seeds. Lanah and Rei were very concentrated and they spent more than 10 minutes to ??????????make sure that their paper plates would be filled with seeds. We didn’t actually use the real watermelon seeds but rather we just used some black beans instead.

It was a fun cooking activity that we had for today. Thank you friends, teachers and Ohana for creating such a wonderful learning experience for everyone here.

Lots of love,

John, Sayaka and Maki
