Paper, Scissors, Stone

DSCF2784On the small table in the play area this morning Nile and Eito saw that the spinning tops had been put away and the literacy materials were back out. They immediately started writing on the whiteboards and the lined sheets. They practiced lots of letters with the markers. On the carpet the train set was very popular and together with the teachers help we put together lots of track. It was big enough to cover nearly the whole carpet. Adam, Ethan, Ryan, Alexis and Noa all completed theirDSCF2788 New Year Shuji by putting a red 2015 sticker on the bottom and DSCF2795we then took our special portfolio photos of them. On the main table we all managed to finish our sheep star sign pictures by using a sharp pencil to pierce holes in black paper to look like stars in the night sky. Marc and Ethan also worked at the table to make a beautiful card for Marc and Ayaka’s birthday later this week. Eito, Lucinda and Nile all came to the second table to make ‘aliens’ from the playdough, beads, wiggly eyes and colored matchsticks. Eito made DSCF2797a big round alien with 12 eyes. Darren became sick and had to visit Doctor Olivia DSCF2800and nurse Lucinda’s hospital. We gave Darren 3 injections in the back of his hand and checked his heart with the stethoscope. Darren then complained that it was his leg which he thought was broken and so Tokutaro followed up with a fourth injection in his leg. We packed away and had snack very quickly today so that we could go to the park and enjoy the sunshine before returning to the classroom for our gym class with Tanaka Sensei. Some of us don’t usually attendDSCF2803 on Mondays and so this was a good time for all of us to meet Tanaka Sensei and have DSCF2804some exercise time. In the park Sharee played ‘What’s the time Mr. Wolf’ and Ayaka played a running in pairs game in the fenced area. When we came back to school it was time for gym class. We started the class with some stretching and warm up exercises such as jumping like animals etc. We did lots of animal movements as well as playing a listening game to see how many friends to hold hands with e.g. Neko….Ne…ko-2 friends, Ninjin…Ni..n..ji..n-4 friends. We then played a game where we tried playing paper, scissors, stone and if we lost we joined DSCF2821the back of the group. When Tanaka Sensei blew the whistle we tried again until we had one very big DSCF2806line like a train. Nile was today’s winner of this game. In circle time we looked at a book called ‘The Earth and Sky’ which showed us how the moon looks and all about how the earth formed, has volcanoes etc. We then did a group drawing of an imaginary alien together. We could choose to add eyes, legs, neck, arms and even extra heads if we wished. We drew the following: Arata-Nose, Ethan-Eye, Ryan-Mouth, Tokutaro-Feet, Riko-Eyes, Eito-Ear, Marc-Hair, Jeremy-Mouth, Jessica-Mouth, Jennifer-Eyes, Nile-hands, Olivia-DSCF2826`Bottom, Adam-Leg, Lucinda-Eye, Alexis-Body, Noa-Leg. Our alien looks really funny and we want to keep it on the whiteboard.

Have a great afternoon.

All our love, Darren, Ayaka and Sharee
