Hagoita design and Fun Gym class

????????????????????What a beautiful Monday morning we have today! The Buds are always eager to have our toys and other art activities prepared for us. And Sayaka showed a very interesting art work to us – Hagoita designing. Sayaka and Maki put all the crayons, posca and permanent markers on the table. And we ??????????have started putting colors that we like to use. It was very fun for ??????????we have to color this piece of wood. We always love coloring and painting. Sofie chose blue and pink, Hana gave it a try with pink and some black dots, Lanah had to use black posca markers first and Rei decided to scribble some lines in pink. Rei was pretty serious doing this the whole time. ??????????After that, we went to our circle time corner to play with some lego blocks and toys from the boxes we have nearby. Lanah made a very special bird, Hana made Sayaka’s house and Sofie was trying to make something delicious from the green block because she kept on mixing and mixing it all the time.??????????

                ??????????Tanaka-sensei is back again to our class. And what does this mean? It’s GYM TIME! At first, Tanaka showed some warm-up exercises again and he was definitely funny for he always made hilarious movements/actions.

??????????Rei was indeed active during our class. She moved around a lot and she was imitating Tanaka’s actions as much as she can. Sofie did the same thing. She liked to jump and skip, she was filled with energy in her and it was a perfect time to expend that energy in this class.??????????

After we spread out to do our exercise, we put our hands together above our heads and bend to the side, down and up to stretch. In this way, we can basically get ready for a much bigger challenge that Tanaka had prepared for us.

??????????He later on told us to walk like a bear on the mat, and so we did that while learning to wait in line for our turn. This was very important because we learned how to be patient and to respect each other.

And for today’s game, it was about walking around the classroom?????????? like a long train. Lanah, Hana, and Sophie took turns to be the driver, and Rei did a very good job following the big girls. With this, we have learned the importance of working together and the feeling of getting to know each other better by standing close and holding the train together.

After a very lively gym class today, John told us to sit with him. We sang some mellow songs to let us cool down for a bit. We learned a new song and it is called 5 little fishies in the sea, and the song went on like this….

5 little fishies swimming in the sea

Teasing Mr. Shark, you can’t catch me

Along came the shark, as quiet as he can beeeeeee…..


(Until it went down to 4, 3, 2, 1….)

It was really amusing especially when we say the word “SNAP!” Sofie, Lanah and Hana were giggling after singing this song.

??????????This time at the park, we were with Petals class. Sofie and Lanah were so busy playing with the big slide while Hana made a birthday cake for her teachers. She even put a very small twig on it so that it would look like a candle to blow after singing the birthday song.

Thank you so much for a fantastic Monday! See you again tomorrow!

Love always,

John, Sayaka and Maki
