Animal sounds, Piano time and Fun day at the park
It was a fun day at school today. We found on our desks some colorful papers with photos of our friends on them. Sayaka told us that we could make a birthday card for our friends who will have their birthdays this month. So, we got some markers, pastels and crayons to work on them because we really wanted to make a very special card. Yurika got the blue and green markers and started scribbling on each card. She also had a great smile while doing it. Taiga, Kaia and Karl also made their contributions to make our cards more beautiful.
During playtime, Mr. Spider-man was trying to put away the lego blocks from the floor. He said that he needed to help everyone that’s why he’s trying to clean up. And Hana was also making some funny faces from Mr. Potato Head and then she would say that it was Sayaka’s face.
Yurika-chan also tried on Mr. Potato Head’s glasses. She wanted to show everyone how beautiful she was with those. After our playtime, we went to our circle time corner and we heard the guitar playing. Karl was listening intently and he even moved closer to the guitar and saw how it played. Yurika, Rei, Hana were trying to put their hands on the strings because they felt that they were vibrating a little bit.
We sang a very interesting song today. The title was “Clap, Clap song”. The song was all about animal sounds and actions. And the song went like this…
“Clap, clap, clap, clap,clap
It’s a dog (arf, arf)
It’s a cat (meow)
It’s a cow (moo)
It’s a bird (chirp)
It’s a snake (hiss)
It’s a fish (swim)
It’s a rabbit (hop)
Clap, clap, clap clap”
After our circle time, we went to the park. Yurika and Rei were having a wonderful time playing with the slides and swing. We also went to the vacant space in the park with Sayaka and we all ran quickly because she was chasing us. It was very engaging and we all made some funny noises while running away from her. Sayaka was very caring to us and we definitely love her for that.
When we arrived at the school, we had a special music activity. We played the piano! Kaia was so excited to put her fingers on the keys. Yurika and Rei spent more than 10 minutes just touching the keys and making different melodies from it.
It was Kaia’s, Yurika’s and Karl’s turn to make the Japanese calligraphy. They got their smocks on and started making strokes on the paper. We thank again our teachers for the great activities each day.
John, Sayaka and Maki