Ruldolf the red nose reindeer
10 December – Daily Journal
What color nose does Rudolf the red nosed reindeer have? Red said Buds as they stuck a big red nose on their reindeer. We have been having a busy time,
stamping our hands and painting toilet rolls for the head of our reindeer. Today it was time to put it all together. We learnt a tricky word – antlers. Buds stuck the antlers where they wanted them to go and then the teachers added some staples to make them more secure.
Some Buds also made their Christmas trees by stacking small, medium and large triangles on top of each other and gluing on sparkly and shiny collage materials.
Buds enjoyed stacking blocks and making towers today. At first Buds made their own towers but then they started to work together and they made some quite tall towers. We counted 23 on the tallest tower.
Sometimes we hold hands and make a circle so our circle will be nice and round. Today Buds made a circle holding hands without the teachers help! We sang ‘Clap Your Hands for Santa Claus’ and the teachers thought that Buds would love clapping the whole song but not so much! We got out the instruments
and ‘Jingle Bells’ was a lot more popular. This week is the last week for Jonah so Buds took turns to draw a picture in his art portfolio and then stuck their photos
in too. It is also the last week for office Christine and Lillian and Ava so Buds helped to make a card for them.
On the way back from the park we looked out for the Santa Claus we had seen the last two days but oh no, he wasn’t there. “Maybe next week” said Lanah. Or maybe we can see if tomorrow. We could see his ladder so we wondered if he is only comes out when the sun is shining.
Before lunch we borrowed the Menorah from Petals class and counted how many candles it has. We could hear Buds counting well and counted 9 candles. We sang our version of ‘We Wish You a Merry Christmas’ and added ‘We Wish You a Happy Chanukah’ and ‘We Wish You a Great Kwanza and a Happy New Year’. While we were singing the teachers handed out the delicious Latkes that Petals
class had made. Everyone tried them and almost
everyone finished their portion.
Thank you
Sharee, Sayaka and Maki