Making festive season gifts

8 December – Daily Journal

??????????This morning Buds were busy on the paint table decorating the gift we are making for our parents. It can be a flower, snowflake or ornament to display for?????????? the festive season. Some Buds used just one color and other Buds wanted to use all the colors on the table.

There was a big long play dough snake on the table today so the first Buds asked for utensils and they stamped the cutters into it and made pattern on it. Then Buds cut pieces off to make their own small ??????????snakes and food. Buds always like to make food at the play dough table.

In circle time we got the bells out and sang ‘Jingle Bells’. After we sang it once?????????? Buds decided they wanted to sing it fast so we shook our bells at a fast pace and sang the words quickly. Then Buds wanted to sing it slow so we slowly shook the instruments and sang slowly. We decided we liked singing faster better. Then Sharee started to draw something on the whiteboard. What could it be wondered Buds. Half way ??????????through Buds guessed it was a Christmas tree. Buds took turns to draw a decoration on the tree and then we counted how many decorations were on the tree. We counted 14.

We went up to gym class and once we had bowed and said “Ohayou gozaimasu” to Tanaka Sensei we did some stretches to warm up and did some more work ??????????with the bean bag balls. Once we had dropped the balls from holding them up high, we practiced over arm throwing. We also did a fun game where we ??????????walked around the circle and when Tanaka Sensei said “Pancake” everyone quickly held hands and then pretended to eat the pancake.

We read a Spot book about Spot playing hide and seek with his friends and also a book where we had to guess all the animals from just seeing their tails.??????????

At the park some Buds wanted to play hide and seek ??????????because of the book we had been reading earlier. The teachers took turns to count to 10 and then find Buds.

 Thank you

??????????Sharee, Sayaka and Maki
