Our red day with a visit from Santa and red art
1 December – Daily Journal
Wow, we are already in December! Red is our color of the month so this morning Buds were busy stamping. “What color is this?” asked Sharee pointing to the
stamp pad? “Red” said most buds as they stamped with red ink. The fish and the cat seemed to be the popular. There were also a Santa Claus, ball and a few more animals.
In circle time we stuck lots of red objects onto our ‘Color of the Month’ board and sang the color song looking around to see who had red on today. Hana wanted to stick her hand up but she had no red then she cleverly discovered some red ink on her finger leftover from art so she was happy she could put her hand up.
Knock, knock, knock. Who could that be knocking on the door wondered the teachers. We opened the door and someone came in saying Ho ho ho and hello and shaked some of the Buds hands. Then he held up his Santa sack and Buds helped to put the presents in that everyone had brought in. (Thanks to everyone who bought presents).
We went upstairs to gym class and after doing some stretches and games we used bean bags for the first time. We held them high above our heads and let them drop down. It was quite interesting to see children try and do this. Some could do it and some wanted to throw it or found it hard to let go. Next we put the bean
bags low to the ground and then threw them high into the air. Finally we held the bean bags and threw them over arm across the room.
We read a book similar to Brown Bear and a book ‘Who Sank the Boat’. Buds thought it would be the larger animals like the cow and donkey who would sink the boat but the tiny little mouse ended up being the one to sink the boat.
We did easel painting today with red, gold and green paint and Buds made some beautiful festive season looking art. Everyone enjoyed it so much and ended up doing two paintings each. Buds are remembering to
wipe the brush on the side on the paint container so there is not too much paint on the brush.
Thank you
Sharee, Sayaka and Maki