Painting, lego and yoga fun

12 November – Daily Journal

??????????This morning Buds had a renewed interest in their Life Books. Once one Buds starts to look at one, a few more Buds always come over. We were trying to guess who the baby was in the front of the book. ??????????Hmmm. As the baby got bigger, we could see it was Dominik. Unfortunately we don’t have everyone’s book so some children miss out on showing off their families. It’s not too late to bring one in, and our new families, please bring one as soon as you can.

Rei and Yurika were enjoying holding hands and dancing with Goh this morning. They were bouncing their knees in time to the music.

??????????In circle time today we counted the wheels on different types of vehicles. When Sharee asked how many wheels a car has Karl quickly answered “Four”. We counted to check if he was right and he was. We counted the wheels on a truck. Long trucks have more ??????????wheels than cars. We counted 6. Before we looked at a bicycle we asked how many wheels does it have and Lanah said “Two” and she was right. Lastly we counted the wheels on the train and it had 12. When we asked if boats and helicopters have wheels there was a chorus of “No”. We ??????????sang ‘Wheels on the bus’ and then stood up to do ‘transportation actions’. Faith showed us how to fly like an airplane. We also pretended to ride a bicycle, drive a car and be a helicopter. ??????????

Today we started painting a land and sea and sky map. We painted blue for the sky and green/blue for the sea and brown and green for the land. We will add roads and train tracks tomorrow. Buds love experimenting with the paint, feeling it on their hands and mixing the colors. We ended up with a lovely peppermint green color and luckily today the brown stayed brown and didn’t turn everything brown.

??????????To go outside or not, sometimes it’s difficult to decide. Yesterday we got caught in the rain so we decided today that we would play it safe and stay inside. We did some yoga from our children’s yoga book?????????? and most Buds tried to do the poses and thought they were fun.

We put out all our lego, which is two large boxes on the floor and Buds spent quite a bit of time on building trains, apartments, towers and autumn trees. It was nice to see Buds ??????????working together in the end because we had to model some scenarios during play such as “My turn please, Can I have it? Lets swap and I’m still using?????????? it”.

Thank you

Sharee, Sayaka and Goh
