friends helping one another
Today, there were birthday cards and Buds started making birthday cards for our November birthday friends. We used markers to decorate them, making them very colorful and made with love from all our Buds.
The other table, a few buds were working on orange-black collage and making a paper Jack-o-lantern. Jonah wasn’t very interested in making his paper jack-o-lantern at first. However, when he saw that Sayaka mixed red and yellow to make the orange color, he smiled and then he was ready for making it. Jonah was comfortable
because his brown bear sat down next to him and looked at him until he was finished. The other table was busy with making orange-black collage.
In circle time we looked inside our Jack-o-lantern again. We also counted all the pumpkin seeds that we got from our Jack-o-lantern.….125! It was a very big number but we enjoyed counting all the pumpkin seeds. We were a bit scared if the Jack-o-lantern bit us…A few buds tried putting their hands inside the mouth…Phew! It didn’t bite us. YAY, we have Taiko class tomorrow morning. So, we practiced Taiko drumming.
Today we read “What’s the time, Mr Wolf?” by Annie Kubler at story time. Karl picked the book. Karl said, “Look, look mess!” and pointed at the book. The wolf in the book was making a mess. Iva said, “On no!” Sayaka asked Buds, “Do you make a mess when you eat something. Most buds said, “No.”
At the park buds all had big smiles as they were running, climbing up, and making things, and finding something. There was a beautiful moment when some Petal children helped Yurika to go up and down the stairs. They held Yurika’s hands very gently and walked up together.
We are looking forward to seeing you tomorrow at Taiko class!
Sayaka, Goh and Hisami