We had fun exploring our new classroom

14 October – Daily Journal

??????????We love our bigger classroom. Buds were very busy exploring and trying out the new areas in the classroom room this morning.

Buds were excited to use the spoons and scoop the rice into the jugs. Then pour the jugs into the small bowls. Some Buds?????????? like to use one hand to hold a jug bu we have to use two hands to hold a jug so that we have more control.

On the art table today there were scissors and Buds had a go at cutting the paper. The teachers realize we need to do some more pre-cutting activities to build more strength in Buds’ fingers ??????????as cutting is quite a hard skill to master but a very rewarding one too. Buds also made sandwiches for their picnic baskets. Everyone chose some bread, ham, cheese and lettuce and we made yummy looking sandwiches.

Because we have changed some things around we talked about where to put things back. We touched the soft and hard foods and put the hard foods into the tray that goes in the kitchen cupboard and put the soft fruits into the container that?????????? goes on the shelf. With a bit of experimenting Buds could do it well. Cleaning up is a great activity for language skills, sorting skills and much more!

In circle time today we talked about Sports Day. Buds liked the Tamaire game, throwing the balls into the basket. And ??????????running, and the egg and spoon race and the parachute. Although sometimes Buds were unsure and a little scared, they seem to have forgotten that part and remember loving everything. We didn’t have a chance to do the bean bag throwing game so we did it in circle time. It is a challenge for some Buds to throw underarm and another fun challenge to get the bean bags in the basket. We enjoyed it a lot so we did it several times.

At the park we enjoyed playing with the trucks in the sand and playing in the dirt.??????????

??????????Thank you

Sharee, Sayaka and Goh
