A happy sunny day and Happy Birthday to Shelley

03 October – Daily Journal

??????????It was a great end to a fabulous week. We can’t believe how fast the days are going and that we are in October now!

Buds love the Posca markers because the colors are so vivid and they are easy to hold. The Buds that hadn’t made a picnic basket made theirs today and some Buds that had done theirs wanted to add more?????????? color so they continued to decorate and make beautiful baskets.

Since we have had the sushi and pizza in the kitchen area, the kitchen has become very busy with children popping in and out between doing art, puzzles ??????????and today the trains on the floor.

In circle time after we finished dancing Buds had to find something orange around the room and put it in the basket. Once everyone had found one or two items we stuck them on a sticky sheet on the wall. The orange lego man kept falling off which Buds thought was funny so we had to use some extra tape for it.??????????

Today we had a birthday party for Shelley in Petal Class. We went upstairs and sat with Petal and Flower children while we waited for Shelley to come in. But someone with a hat covering their face came in. Was ??????????it Shelley we wondered. Off came the hat and yay, it was Shelley! We sang ‘Happy Birthday’ and the children gave Shelley her birthday cards. Lanah gave the card (and a big hug) we had made in Buds class. Instead of a cake Shelley was given a vegetable platter and was very happy. Darren suggested we sing ‘If You’re Happy and You Know it’ and Shelley wondered what makes us happy. “Hugs” said Tokutaro and him and Olivia gave Shelley big hugs. Then we stood up and sang before it was time to go back to Buds?????????? class and get ready for the park.

Phew, it was hot at the park today. We aren’t used to this weather recently. ??????????Some Buds went to the toilet at the park and it was hard to pull their trousers back up because they were so sweaty.

Have a great weekend, Sharee and Sayaka??????????
