Our picnic blanket has turned out amazing!
02 October – Daily Journal
Buds know all the routines and are happy to do their morning jobs so we are encouraging Buds more and more to try and put their shoes on, or open their lunch box by themselves.
The teachers made a truck with some connect blocks and Buds liked putting different finger puppets and people figurines in it and driving it around. Jonah and Dominik worked hard on doing the peg boards this morning. It can be quite tricky to squeeze the pegs and put them on the boards at the same time. We are building the strength in our fingers all the time. Jonah made a train and Dominik, Sofie and Haruto made caterpillars with the pegs being the legs.
We always enjoy some time to read books and listen to stories. While we were looking at a farm animal book and counting the animals behind the pull open windows, Haruto spontaneously started singing ‘Old McDonald’ so we joined in and sang a few verses.
We continued to make our large picnic sheet this morning. We made the paint quite watery so the colors flowed really well and we have made some quite pretty picnic mats. Some Buds liked using the rollers and the paint brushes and others had fun and concentrated for a long time just using the rollers. Most of the rollers have patterns on them so it was interesting to see what kind of pattern each roller made.
To make a circle we sing songs such as ‘Make a Circle’ or ‘Lets Make a Circle’ but it is tricky for Buds so we often hold hands to form our circle. This morning we took a deep breath while making the circle small and then we let out the air pretending we were balloons, and the circle got bigger. Buds helped to sort all the foods in our picnic basket into the correct color group. Buds found lots of red, green and yellow foods in the basket and once they were sorted Buds helped us to count them. The green pile was the biggest and Buds each took one and put it back into the picnic basket
as we all counted together.
We danced to four action body songs this morning, phew! It seemed that ‘Can You Point Your Fingers’ was the favorite today with some good finger pointing going on.
At the park Jonah, Hana and Sayaka tried to find some butterflies and ended up finding four. They were busy running around and chasing them.
Thank you