We had so much fun and spent a long time painting our picnic mats
01 October – Daily Journal
The rain kept us from going to the park but not from having lots of fun today.
We had a large cardboard sheet on the art table today with lots of paints, rollers and paint brushes and for most Buds it was the first thing they wanted to do this morning after their morning jobs. Some Buds spent a long time rolling the paint onto the cardboard. Oops some on Iva’s finger and before we knew it most Buds who painted were using their hands to paint as well as the brushes. We end up doing to large sheets and will be sticking them together to make a big picnic mat to have a picnic inside on a rainy day.
We put all the family blocks back in with the blocks this morning. Some Buds played with them as usual making houses and towers and we made some fences for the animals too. Some Buds were busy finding their families faces and stacking them up. Lanah saw Kaia’s Mummy, Fanny on a block and passed it to Kaia, who was happy to play with it.
There was a pizza on the kitchen table today but it didn’t have any toppings. Buds used tongs or their fingers to pick up tomatoes, olives, mushroom, onion, green peppers, ham and pineapple and made delicious pizzas.
In circle time we talked about all the picnics we will be having this month. One for sports day, another at potato digging and next week our teddy bear picnics. The teachers were wondering where we have a picnic and Karl said “By the park” and Lanah said “At the beach”. We then wondered what we should
bring for a picnic so Buds helped by pulling lots of different items out of the picnic basket. The first was a picnic blanket followed by a plate some healthy vegetables and some snacks. Not to forget a drink too. It’s hard for us to recognize our names at this stage so we are trying to match our names and stick them on the board.
We have a new children’s yoga book in our class so after reading ‘There Are No Animals In This book’ which was chosen by Iva, we did lots of yoga poses, some from the book and some changed slightly by the teachers. We sat and flapped our butterfly wing legs, did cat and cow poses by sitting on all fours and ‘mooing’ and ‘mewoing’ as we stretched our back and head up or tucked in our head and curved our backs in. We also thought ‘sleeping mouse’ was funny as we tucked ourselves up.
After snack Buds started to make beautiful necklaces. At first Faith couldn’t put the bead on the pipe cleaner and pull it along by herself but after a few beads she got the hang of it and added lots more beads to her necklace all by herself. Lanah and Hana liked their necklaces so much they made a bracelet too. It’s another activity great for our fine motor skills.
While some Buds were making necklaces others were busy with puzzles or lego on the carpet but the necklace making must have inspired some Buds because soon lots of Buds were making spicy necklace soup for Sayaka in the kitchen area and other delicacies.
Thank you