Rain, Rain Go Away!
Where are you my friend, Mr. Sunshine? Even though it was a rainy day, we had a great day again at Ohana. After we finished doing our morning jobs, we started our day with lots of fun activities in our classroom. At the art table, we saw the paper that we painted yesterday. Sayaka had cut it out into a fish shape. Then we glued colorful paper and googly eyes on it to make a rainbow fish! At the manipulative table were some ocean animals again! Once we saw them, we started playing with them. Pauline taught us the name of some of the animals, which we remembered. One of our friends made some sounds while he was playing. He kept saying, “Wheeeeeeeeeee….” Our teachers wondered if he imagined he was swimming with the fishes.
The carpet area was very popular as usual. Some of our friends were busy with cooking; they pretended they were cooking for Goh-san. Other friends seemed to enjoy making a long train. It’s always fun to see what our friends are playing with and we could actually learn something new! Then, we felt like we wanted to sing some songs before snack time. We took out some musical instruments and started singing songs with our friends and the teachers.
In our circle time, Sayaka read a book, “Wave”. It is a special book because it has no words, only pictures. Sayaka asked us if we could use our imagination. In the book, we saw water, waves, birds (seagulls), and sea shells. When we go to the beach, we might see those things! After that, we had an apron theater time. Today’s story was, “Urashima-taro”. Sayaka told us that it is one of the very traditional stories in Japan. In the story, we saw many sea animals.
Thank you very much Ohana for another wonderful day! See you all tomorrow!